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Dante: I got you a little something

Hazel:(smiles) oooh lemme see

Dante: wait gimme kiss first

Hazel: leans over and kisses him) happy now?

Dante:( smiles) yeah (hands her the small box)

Hazel:(opens it and sees a ring ) Dante this is beautiful

Dante: we been fucking with each other for three years now I want you all to myself. I don't want another nigga thinking he can slide on you cause you single , so will you be my shawty?

Hazel: shocked) you serious tae? Be your girlfriend?

Dante: yes I'm serious, and i got you this ring to show you that I'm crazy about you and one day when we ready this gone turn into a wedding ring. I'm in love with you and I don't wanna lose you.( sliding it on her finger)

Hazel:( smiling hard ) I love it ! (Wraps her arms around his heck and kisses him)

Dante: you deserve it, I wanna make you happy and take care of you

Hazel: you always make me happy

Hazel pov: I was shocked Dante asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm happy though. He makes me feel so good. My mood changes when I'm around him. If I'm having a bad day he makes it better, when I'm sick he takes care of me. He's an amazing man.

Dante: did you ever finish your notes ?

Hazel: no, I couldn't I just didn't feel well enough .

Dante: my poor baby (turning off the lamp) come here

Hazel:( scoots closer and lays her head on his chest)it was so bad this morning.I didn't go to my first class tried to go to my second class but I felt all weak and tired. You're gonna get sick being this close

Dante: rubbing her butt) I don't care about that, I wanna make sure you comfortable. This the only way you'll sleep

Hazel: laughs) your bed just so comfortable and laying in your arms makes it better

Dante: smiles)how's school going over all ? You almost finished

Hazel: sits up ) yesss I forgot to tell you , I talked to my advisor and I'll be graduating next semester instead of next year !

Dante: oooh I'm proud of you baby!

Hazel: I just have to take one more elective and that's all (laying back on his chest )

Dante: that's good bae, you been knocking them classes out quick as hell

Hazel: they've been really easy

Dante pov: we talked a little bit more, but soon enough Hazel was knocked out. She ain't been feeling good the last few days. Hopefully this all pass over soon.

The next day:

Mama Lily:( on the phone with Hazel) how you doing honey? Feeling better ?

Hazel: I'm straight, nothing to worry about

Mama Lily; I gave Mrs. Patton some soups and medicine to bring to you. Make sure you get plenty of rest.

Hazel: thanks mama

Hazel pov: I had stopped talking to my mama for a few months after that whole situation that happened at my sister's party. I just felt some type of way about her after that. Don't get me wrong I love my mama but I just don't feel as close to her as I was before she made that comment. Anyways, I was still feeling very nauseous and I just had a funny feeling like I should take pregnancy test. Me and Dante have always used condoms but we could've slipped up. He was gone right now so I got up and made my way to the bathroom once I got off the phone with my mama. I opened the test and peed on it and sat it on the package while I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Dante never mentions kids so I don't know if he wants some or not. I was getting nervous waiting for the results. After about five minutes I read the results.

Hazel:( shocked, holding the test ) I'm pregnant...

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