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Hazel: I'm nervous baby I don't know what to expect (walking over to him) zip me up please

Dante:zips her dress up) everything this gonna be fine. You look beautiful mamas

Hazel:(blushes) thank you baby ( checks the time ) lemme head out , don't drive my babies crazy

Dante:(laughs) daddy got this

Hazel: kisses him ) see you later , bye mommy's babies (playing with their hands )

Dante:remember, open mind

Hazel: I will

Hazel pov : I was meeting my parents for the first time today and I was a little nervous. I don't know what to expect from them. I got in my truck and drove to Apple bees where I was meeting them and Mrs. Patton. I hope everything goes well.

Mrs. Patton: hey honey

Hazel: hey, they here yet ?

Mrs. Patton: nope they're about 15 minutes away, how you feeling?

Hazel: a lot of emotions, my stomach feels like I have a knot and I'm nervous but I'm kinda looking forward to meeting them.

Hazel pov: the host took me and Mrs. Patton to our table while we waited for my parents. I was getting nervous because she received a text saying they had just pulled up. Soon enough they walked in and I saw them walking towards our table.

Mrs. Patton: hey y'all

Tina: hey Tammy

Omari: hey tam wassup

Hazel:( standing next to Mrs. Patton) you were my nurse when I delivered my babies

Tina: nods) yeah I was

Omari: wow you are so beautiful just like we knew you would be

Mrs. Patton: this is your mom Tina and your dad Omari

Hazel: I- I don't know what to say ?

Tina: I know it's a lot to process. We really wanted to meet you.

Omari: yeah but if you're not ready we can go, we don't want to make you uncomfortable

Hazel: no, no it's fine, let's sit down

Hazel pov: my mother was so pretty. My dad was very handsome as well. I felt super nervous and I didn't really know what to say.

Tina: wow our baby is all grown up (trying not to cry) um ho- how've you been?

Hazel: um, I'm better now. I had a rough life growing up. My first two foster home I was abused and sexually assaulted a lot. From age 11- til I graduated high school I lived with my current family and they ended up adopting me. I attended Texas Southern and I met my boyfriend durning that time and now I live here in Dallas with him. I graduated college a few months ago

Tina: I'm so sorry you went through that

Omari: we were so young, we had no support and we just couldn't give you the life you needed.

Hazel: why didn't y'all ever try and contact me sooner ?

Omari: I personally felt like you wouldn't want anything to do with us

Tina: I felt the same way and I thought maybe you would've been placed into a family you were happy with and I didn't want to mess that up

Hazel: I used to think about you guys a lot (wiping her tears) i felt so unwanted for years. Honestly meeting my boyfriend was the first time that I genuinely felt wanted and like I meant something to somebody for once in my life.

Omari: trust me we thought about you a lot. I prayed constantly that you were okay

Tina: we wish we could go back and change our decisions but we really did feel like we did what was best for you.

Hazel: I understand, y'all were just kids

Omari: I know it's probably too late since we missed out on so much but we would really like to be apart of your life if you would let us.

Hazel: more tears fall) I would love that

Omari:( sniffs) really ?

Hazel: yes (Wiping her face)

Hazel pov: I felt complete, I had no hard feelings towards my parents. They were young and I know how it feels to not have anybody to support you. I stood up and gave my dad and tight hug first and it felt really good. Then I hugged my mama and we started crying. We held on to each other for a while before letting go. Once we composed ourselves we sat down and ordered some food.

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