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Hazel:(laying across Dante's lap) baby?

Dante: yeah?(looks down at her)

Hazel: I was thinking we could name the baby Diamond or Halo if it's a girl

Dante:(smiles ) those are both pretty. I haven't really thought of girl (laughs) I'm team boy

Hazel:(smiles) that's too bad because it's gonna be a girl

Dante: laughs) that cute you think that, but I'm raising young kings in the making. A baby boy most definitely popping outta there

Hazel: mhm we'll see

Dante: but whatever it turns out to be as long as it's healthy I'm happy(starts rubbing her stomach)

Hazel: i ain't think we would ever start dating and now look at us , about to have a baby

Dante: I knew we would, I wanted you so bad.

Hazel: I can honestly say I'm my happiest when I'm with you. I've been through a lot in my life and none of that seems to matter when I'm with you

Dante:I'm my happiest when I'm with you too. You different from most women and I love that about you

Hazel:Smiles and sits up) I love you so much baby

Dante: I love you more (kisses her )

3 weeks later:

Hazel pov: today was my graduation day. I am finally done with school and I now have my Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. After the ceremony we all went out to eat and I was hoping things go well since this is the first time all of us sat down together with Dante.

Dante: raises his glass)I just wanna say baby I'm so proud of you. You worked your ass off semester after semester and I know it hasn't always been easy but you did it and you finished early. I wish you nothing but the best as you enter your career and I love you forever and anything you wanna do in life you know I'm one of your biggest supporters

Hazel:( smiling ) awww thank you baby !(leans over and kisses him)

Mrs. Patton: my turn (raises her glass) my little hazy, I always knew you would be the smartest girl in the world.from age four until now you've made me proud countless times. It makes me so happy that you choose to do social work because I know you can help so many people. I want you to continue to do your best and making us proud.

Hazel: y'all are bout to make me cry (fanning her eyes)

Ashley: get the tissue ready cause I got a lot to say (patting her eyes dry) Hazel is my baby, every since day one when she was placed with us. We instantly clicked. Baby sis you are an amazingly, smart , young woman and I believe that you can changed a lot of people lives. I know all the things you've been through and you never let that stop you. It's been plenty of times when I know you wanted to give up but you didn't. I love you so much and keep being the wonderful person you are

Hazel: wiping her tears ) come on y'all stop (laughs)

Jada: laughs) I'm not gone make you cry I promise I just want to say I'm thankful to have you in my life and I'm absolutely proud of you

Hazel:thank you sissy (leans over and hugs her )

Mama Lily: you already know I'm proud of you (smiles) y'all father would've been so proud of you too. You never let anything stop you from achieving your goals. I know you will continue to to amazing things in life. Keep making all of us proud baby

Hazel pov: they had me in tears. I spent a hour doing my make up before the ceremony and it was messed up from all the crying. I love my family though. Each one of the have a special place in my heart.

Mama Lily: um Dante, I just want to thank you for loving and treating my baby girl how she should be treated. I was so skeptical about you at first but Hazel has been so happy with you. You're all she ever talks about. You have changed her life for the better and I am so happy she met you. I know you're an amazing guy and the only guy I have ever approved of for her.

Dante:smiles) thank you Ms. Lily

Hazel: oooh yess the food coming !

Jada: greedy ass (laughs)

Hazel: I'm eating for two shut up (laughs)

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