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Hazel pov: today was the day ! We get to meet our babies. Doc says everything looks good and that the babies are healthy but I just have a weird feeling that I'm trying to get out my head. I was in so much pain and the twins just seem like they didn't want to come. Dante was being a big help making sure I was comfortable. This was the hardest part of my whole pregnancy.

Dante:hugging her ) it's gone be okay baby, the hard part is almost over

Hazel: crying) it hurts so bad. I can't do this

Dante: you can baby ( rubbing her back ) just breath okay

Hazel: I'm gonna be sick

Ashley:here (handing her the throw up bag)

Dante pov: Hazel was going through it. She was in so much pain and the epidural wasn't working for her. Plus she been throwing up a lot since we been here. Me and Ashley tried to make her as comfortable as possible. The nurse kept checking on her and giving her more IV fluids and ice chips. After a few more hours it was show time. The doctors came in and saw that she was fully dilated. It all happened so quick, the doctors were counting, Hazel was moaning in pain and then boom baby one was out.

Doctors: it's a boy !

Dante:(kisses Hazel forehead) you're doing good baby, really good

Hazel:Drowsy) am I done ?

Ashley: not yet (holding her other hand)

(Baby 2 comes out)

Doctor: baby girl is here! Good job Hazel you did so good (smiles)

Dante pov: wow I'm a father now, something I've waited for so long to be. Imma make sure my girl and my babies always taken care of. The doctors let me cut the umbilical cords and then took the twins to get cleaned up. I didn't even realize I was crying until Hazel reached up and wiped my face.

Hazel: smiles) you're gonna make me cry again, stop

Dante: we did it baby (smiles and kisses her forehead)

Ashley:(crying) my baby sister has a baby omg !

Hazel: ash come on stop(wiping her tears )

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