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2 weeks later:

Dante pov: me and Hazel had just left our second parenting class and it went smoothly. We're getting closer to closing out the adoption. We paid all our fees, so once we finish these classes and everything gets processed we can get our baby girl.

(Hazel pulls up to her dad's house)

Hazel:be right back(hops out the car and goes on the porch ringing the door bell)

Omari: opens the door) hey baby girl

Hazel: smiles) hey dad(walking in ) how you doing ?

Omari: I'm alright, how's Aaliyah recovering?

Hazel: she's doing fine, she's better than ever really. Where my little chunkies?

Omari: sleeping, I just put their shoes on tho

Tina: mari where did you put my pant-(ties her robe up) umm heyy baby girl

Hazel:( smirking) hmm, hey mama. What y'all got going on ?

Omari: Um her , Um washer went out

Tina: yeah so I had to come wash clothes

Hazel: even the ones you had on ??? Oooh y'all was doing the nasty !!(giggles) gone head , imma get my babies and let y'all get back too it

Tina:( embarrassed) omg Hazel cut it out

Omari:( laughing) please Hazel

Hazel: daddy what about your wife ?

Omari: we've finalized our divorce last week

Hazel: mhmm ( picking up the twins ) make sure y'all spray , got my babies breathing in sex particles, it's following y'all

Tina:( bursts out laughing ) gone girl

Hazel: bye y'all

Dante:( gets out and grabs the twins and straps them in) oooh yo mama and daddy messing around ??

Hazel:( laughs) mhmm

Omari:( laughs) we heard that Dante !

Dante:(laughs) my bad

Hazel:(gets in the car) I'm so hungry

Dante: gets in) what you want ?

Hazel: a burger oooh a Big Mac !

Dante: that do sound good

Hazel: checks the time ) aww my sisters are in town (calling Ashley)

Ashley:( answers) hey sissy!

Hazel: hey Pooh, are you guys in town yet ?

Ashley: yeah we just landed bout to call a Lyft

Dante: (background)nah we can pick y'all up

Hazel: we'll pick y'all up

Ashely: you sure ? we don't wanna inconvenience y'all

Hazel: it's no problem, give us about 20 minutes

Ashley: alright

Hazel pov: once we picked my sisters up we stopped to get something to eat and then went to our house. I haven't seen my sisters since my birthday and I missed them so much.

Hazel: so how's everything been ?

Jada: well I got some good news.

Hazel: oooh what's going on missy?

Jada: remember that guy Anthony I was seeing

Hazel: mhm

Jada: well, we are expecting a baby (smiling hard)

Hazel: no way ! Congratulations

Ashley: she's been so excited to tell you

Hazel: me and tae will have a new little one soon

Ashley: huh?

Jada:you pregnant ?

Hazel: no, I don't remember if I told y'all about the baby Aaliyah I work with? But we're gonna adopt her

Ashley: aww that is so good, you are really helping these kids

Jada: I'm scared, I don't know if I'll be a good mama

Hazel: girl you'll be fine, you practically helped raise me and I turned out fine. Halo get down you know better !


Ashley: why are y'all having babies before me omg ?(laughs) y'all wild

Hazel: don't blame me blame Dante

Dante:In the kitchen) yesss ma'am put all the blame on me , I be tearing that ass up !!!

Jada: just when I thought my morning sickness went away y'all start talking nasty (gags)

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