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Hazel: hey my juicy fruits !(drops her bags and bends down)

Halo: mommy!

Dante jr: mommy!

(The twins come running over to her )

Hazel: hugs them) awww mommy missed you guys so much !

Dante: coming in the house) there's my babies !

Twins: hi daddy !

Treasure: congratulations you two ! It's about time you popped the question big bro !

Hazel/Dante: thank you

Mr. J: how was the trip?

Hazel: it was amazing, the beautiful scenery and the weather was so nice

Dante jr: bye bye (point to the door)

Hazel: wait a minute baby let daddy put your shoes on

Dante:( laughs) he's ready to get up outta here

Mrs. J: he's been ready to go all morning , he's been calling y'all names all morning (laughs)

Dante:( putting on his shoes) daddy missed you little man, we gone go home and play the game

Dante jr: claps his hands) otay

Dante pov: after leaving my parents house we drove home. Bae went to shower and change clothes so she could get in the bed. Her body was sore from the flight and I set up the game for me and dj to play. He loved sitting on my lap while I played the game. I've been teaching him how to play it to but he's only 2.

Dante: turns around and leans across the bed) you alright?

Hazel:nods) I just took a pain pill so I'll be fine

Dante: need a back rub?

Hazel: no baby I'm fine

Halo: climbs in the bed and lays with Hazel) hi mommy

Hazel:( smiles) hi my baby

Halo: naptime

Hazel: yeah mommy is taking a nap, you wanna lay with mommy ?

Halo: mhm (nods her head)

Dante pov: eventually Hazel and Halo fell asleep and me and dj were playing the game. Halo is Hazel's twin. She looks exactly like her and dj looks exactly like me now. Before they were a mixture of us both. I just can't believe they're two already. The time went pass so quick. Before we know it they'll be starting kindergarten and everything else.

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