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4 months later:

Hazel pov: I was at work having the toughest time ever. I love my job as a social worker but I just hate the things some of these kids go through. Right now I was in my office trying to find a placement for my little client Aaliyah. She was only 3 years old and she had been placed in foster care because her father murdered her mother and then killed himself because the mother was trying to leave him. No other family members have been found and so far I couldn't find a placement for her. She was the sweetest little baby and I felt so bad for her because I know it's a scary situation to be in. I've been working on her case for over 3 months now and no luck with a placement. I sit with her every day. Even when I'm not working on her case I let her sit in my office and watch tv or play with some toys. I just feel really bad and I wish it was something I could really do. I needed advice so I picked up my phone and called auntie Tam.

Mrs. Patton: answers ) hey honey

Hazel: auntie Tam I got a problem

Mrs. Patton: what's wrong?

Hazel: I have this 3 year old and I've been on her case for 3 months now. Her parents are deceased and there's no other relatives that I can find. I can't watch this baby be in the system. We bond so well

Mrs. Patton: you wanna foster her don't you?

Hazel: or adopt , auntie she needs a family and I can't find her one. I know I can take care of her .

Mrs. Patton: what are your agency's rules on that?

Hazel: I talked to my boss about it and she said she thinks it's a good idea and that the only thing I would have to do is a background check and a few other things depending on if I want to adopt or just foster

Mrs. Patton: have you talked to Dante about it, you have two babies of your own all ready. Will y'all be able to handle one more ?

Hazel: we want more kids, but I haven't talked to him yet

Mrs. Patton: well honey if this is something you're serious about, talk to Dante first and if he's with it gone ahead and tell your boss and start the process. I believe you can give that baby an amazing life

Hazel: I really want to ..

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