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Hazel:( groans) oww

Man: don't move we called 911 help is gonna be here soon( peeking through the window)

Hazel: looks over at Dante) bae you okay ?

(Dante is unconscious)

Hazel: Dante! Baby answer me please

Hazel pov: a truck ran their red light and slammed right into us. It took me a minute to realize we we upside down in the car. Dante wasn't answering me and I was beginning to panic since the impact occurred on his slide. My whole body was in pain and I prayed nothing was wrong with my babies.

Later that day:

Jada pov: me , Ashley and mama had just got off the plane and heading straight to the hospital. Treasure Dante's sister had called me earlier and said they were in a crash. I hope they were okay.

Dante pov: I was in so much pain. I looked around and saw that I was in the hospital but I don't remember how. Where was Hazel?

Nurse:well hello Mr. Jenkins(checking his vitals)

Dante: how did I get here ? Where's my girlfriend ?

Nurse: you two were in a crash

Dante: what!? (Trying to get up)

Nurse: woah Mr. Jenkins please don't get up

Dante:groans in pain) please, I gotta see Hazel. She's pregnant I gotta make sure she's okay

Nurse: she's being taken care of soon as she's done I'll see if some one can bring her in here. As of right now you gotta take it easy and lay back down. You have a concussion and a broken neck.

Dante: I don't care about me I wanna see my girl

Nurse: okay I'll go check on her (leaves out)

Doctor: everything looks good, you and the babies are fine. Just take care of this arm, hopefully the cast helps it heal and set in place. If you have any concerns I want you to give me a call. As far as your body soreness that's just from the impact and it should resolve within a week.

Hazel: you're sure my babies are okay?

Doctor: yes they're fine. I faxed all of your results over to your OB as well and she said everything looks good

Hazel: how's my boyfriend, can I see him?

Nurse:(knocks on the door and comes in) Dr. Grey, Dante is asking to see her

Dr. Grey: well I'm all done here she's discharged. You can wheel her there

Nurse: okay, I'm nurse Torrence, I'm going to take you to see your boyfriend (slowly helping her into the wheel chair)

Hazel: how's he doing ? Is he hurt bad ?

Nurse: very minor injuries he has a concussion and a small neck fracture but the doctors expect him to make a full recovery soon (wheeling her down the hall) how are you feeling?

Hazel:just worried about my babies , doc says they're fine but I'm scared

Nurse: you're gonna be fine and so will your babies. Dr. Grey is one of the best doctors here and he wouldn't let you be discharged if he found something wrong (knocks on Dante's door and wheels Hazel inside ) I brought you your special lady (smiles )

Dante: hi baby, you okay ? The babies alright ?

Hazel: doc says we're fine...

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