(10) Please Don't Enlist Again

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Two months later,

Kendra was coming out of the bathroom holding two positve pregnancy tests. Bucky came in from a meeting with the base's Col. 

"Hey baby." He said 

"I'm pregnant Buck." She said 

"Thats great news!" He said 

"Yeah. We are finally moving off base and can be together all the time. We can get you enrolled at UNC or where ever you want to go to college now and start our next chapter." She said 

"About that moving part. I actually have decided that I want to enlist again." He said as he opened a water. 

"Wh-what? Why? Bucky please I need you with me. We are having a baby and I want us to be together. I'm tired of being here on the weekends I want us to actually feel like we are married." She said

"Kendra nobody said you had to go to college. You could drop out and be here all the time." He said 

"Where I'll be even more alone? No thanks...please Buck don't enlist again I want us to move on from here." She said 

"Kendra I'm sorry, I have already made up my mind this is what I want." He said 

She looked down and walked back to the bedroom. The next morning Bucky filled out the re enljstment paperwork. 

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