(15) MIA

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1 month later,

Kendra was at the base house one weekend. When a red car pulled up in front of the house. She sas hoping it was for her neighbor until the two gentlemen walked up the driveway of her house. 

She could feel her heart pounding as they knocked.

"Mrs Barnes?" One of the guys said

"Yes." She said as she began to shake. 

"Your husband Sgt Major Barnes and his whole team are currently MIA, which means they are missing from their location. We are doing everything we can to find him and his team. We just wanted to inform you before it makes the news." The guy told her. 

She swallowed back a lump, and said "Thank you." 

"Have a good day." He said and left. 

She stood at the door, and watched as he informed the other wives. 

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