(21) A Health Scare & A Date

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Six months later,

"What is he doing?" Bobbi whispered to Wanda as they watched Bucky flirt with his partner Emma.

"Hey girls why are you all staring at Barnes? This isn't middle school." Sam said 

Bobbi nudged him, "Shut up." She whispered 

Once they were all quiet again, they heard "Its a date..I'll pick you up at 7 on Saturday." 

"Oh my god, what? Is he insane?!" Yelena whispered 

"I swear, he needs his head checked again the doctors had to miss something." Wanda said 

"I agree." Sam said as he texted Clint Steve and the others. 

Bucky joined them in the break room, "Morning." He said as he poured himself some coffee. 

The girls gave him dirty looks, "What?" He said 

"I can't believe you." Bobbi said and they walked out. 

"What was that about?" Bucky said 

"You are dating and you are still married." Sam said in a low tone and walked out. 

Meanwhile in Nashville, Kendra had done a self breast examine. 

"No..that can't be what I think it is." She whispered 

She immediately called her OB, and they were able to get her in the next day. She texted Colton 

K: "You busy tomorrow at 3?" 

C:"No, what's up?" 

K: "I need a friend to go with me to a doctor's appointment. Natasha leaves tonight for vacation." 

C:"I'm always here for you Kendra. I'll go with you." 

K:"Thanks you are the best." 

The next day, Colton sat in the exam room with her. 

"You are going to be fine. Mom said sometimes its nothing." Colton said 

"I hope so. Thank you for coming with me." She said 

Dr Trisha Kennedy came in, she began to do the exam. 

"Yeah I feel the lump.." she said

She began to do a scan of it, "Its a cyst..see its a cyst full of fluid. So all we need to do is drain it." Dr Kennedy said 

Kendra let out a breathe, and so did Colton. A few minutes later a nurse came in and helped Dr Kennedy drain it. After her appointment was over she told her mom the good news. 

Two days later, Bucky and Emma went on their first date at Ruth's Chris steakhouse. They had a blast getting to know each other. Bucky never once mentioned Kendra, his late son or his marriage. They shared a kiss goodnight and agreed on a second date. 

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