(44) Buck's Surprise&Rainbow Babies

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A year later,

"Babe hurry up, we don't need a full face." Bucky said as he came into the bathroom.

He found her puking in the bathroom, "Kendra are you okay?" He said 

"No, I think I might have the flu." She said as she wiped her mouth. 

They left the house, and they turned down a gravel road. 

"Where are we going?" She said 

"You'll see it's a surprise." He said 

They finally pulled up to a white house, black shutters. 

"Welcome to our new home baby, away from the hussle and bussle like your cabin. Enough spacr for all the kids and to grow." He said 

"I love it." She said 

He took her on a tour of the house, Natasha already had someone come in and furnish it and decorate it for them. They moved into their new place over the next several weeks.

Bucky took Kendra to the doctor when he felt like she wasn't getting over the flu. 

"Uh, your wife isn't sick with the flu Mr Barnes. She's pregnant.." Dr Callum said 

"She's been pregnant before, and she wasn't this sick." He said 

"I wasn't this sick when I had my daughter.." Kendra added. 

"Well lets get a ultrasound." Dr Callum said 

They did a ultrasound, and Dr Callum made notes. 

"She is pregnant with twins. In pregnancies like these most women experience the symptoms more than a single pregnancy. So she is fine Mr Barnes she is just housing two babies." Dr Callum said 

On their way home, Kendra looked at him. 

"How could you not know? I mean you have twin little sisters and Emma had twins." She said 

"To be fair I was 3 when my sisters were born, and with Emma..I guess I just wasn't paying attention." He said as he drove. 


Seven months later,

"Lets have us some babies." Dr Callum said as she came into the OR.

Thirty minutes later, they were now the proud parents of twins. They welcomed one of each. 

Hendrix James & Patsy June Barnes. 

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