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Hope is the most essential thing in our life being hopefull will make a difference in our life. But what is our Hope? Who we are trusting and leaning to? Does our Hope help us to make it until end? We all as human beings and one who is living in this broken world, There is a time we will lost hope in our life, Things may go wrong and unexpected. What we build may crumble. We may lost what we have, In This dramatically changing and revolving chaotic world it is difficult to find hope for our soul that can give us assurance and rest. Something that is trustworthy and fixed, unchangeable.

Here is The Hope from God, Jesus Is the hope of the world, who Hopes and trust's Jesus will never fail.

A Hope even death can't hold, a Hope that we can die hoping for.

In this world we use This phrase "IF you don't die you have Hope " But God's hope is not limited here in This temporary life but This hope will continue shining through out eternity.

All our hopes down here in this Globe will fade away quickly it is better for as to look above to see the hope of heaven and eternity, running and looking to Jesus trusting in him to inherent eternal life in his everlasting kingdom.

  Dear reader if you hope in money, riches, wealth you will see when all your money go and left you empty. money can buy you a house and car but it can't give you eternal security, eternal hope, security and rest This is found only in Jesus.

Hope in God almighty, Hope in Jesus Christ you will never be ashamed.

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