Hope that rescues

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As human being we need a hope to rescue us from all our mess we will be left helpless with out the help of our creator God. The beginning of all our sorrow and hopelessness, darkness is from our fall, from our Failurity from the standard of God.
From the morality of God, The Bible tells us that the first human beings disobeyed God and through them sin entered in to the world, we human beings become bound to sin, as we sin and sin continually we don't considered that we are drifting away from God, We end up totally being deserted, empty, in darkness, we get in to a pit we can't rescue our self. We all be the part of this fall, we all become disconnected from God, from the true source of life and hope.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
   Romans 3:23

This is what happened as far us we drift away from God we lost all our way gone into deep darkness where there is no hope.
But God send a saviour in to our world to call us out from our darkness, despair, to bring us back to God to the place where we belong.

Jesus came to this world, in to our hopeless situation he died for our sin's our Failurity and shame,guilt all was counted on him he died and rose again in the Third day.  God provided us a way of rescue, salvation, and hope Through his son Jesus Christ.

Today God doesn't want any one of us to stay in that place of hopelessness, despair, darkness, bondage because Christ has died for every humanity including every one of us. Why He died? He died to give us life, Hope, to restore us, To bring us back in to God and relationship with our creator.
So when we found

God's hope comes not only to Incourage us but to lift us up to change our position.

From where to where? This is the purpose of God's mission to rescue humanity from the darkness and to bring us back to his kingdom.

From despair to fullness of hope

From death to Life

From darkness to light

From bondage to freedom

From captivity to freedom

From being an enemy of God to being a child of God

From being destined to eternal death to being destined to eternal life through Jesus

From Hell To heaven

This is The hope we have, our hope is Jesus Through him we will be rescued. We will be rescued and saved from all darkness and the power of sin, when we come to Jesus all our sins, guilt and shame will be washed away so we

This is what God did God called every one to come and to be rescued and saved Jesus on the cross amplified the call of God for every sinner, every humanity.

Here is The hope today for us, God has send his son Jesus Christ to save us and to rescue us.

How can we respond to This call? Our response must be through faith, through repentance there is no any thing extra thing needed from us it is the power of God that will rescue us as we believe and accept the saviour Jesus Christ. our part is to believe and to receive Jesus, To put our trust in him.

“Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God, that you believe on him whom he has sent.”
   John 6:29

What we need is to believe on The saviour whom God send for us Jesus Christ.
We need to repent and believe then we will be part of this hope, part of this salvation. Part of God's kingdom.

Ephesians 2
⁸ For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
⁹ Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Today if you believe in Jesus you are part of This hope, Jesus will rescue you from every darkness, captivity, bondage and he will give you freedom, hope and life which is eternal.

" Jesus is the hope of every soul, a soul that found Jesus will be alive Joyfull like a deer that found a fountain "

HOPE UNVEILEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora