Loss to gain

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There is a heavenly eternal life that God prepared for all who believe in him. Jesus Christ gave a hope for all who believe in him that there is an eternal treasure waiting for them, our faith in Jesus Christ is not our temporary Joy, there is many things in this world that can give us temporary pleasure but having Jesus Christ is having eternal home in heaven having eternal Joy with Jesus in store. Jesus said I go to preapare a place for you so, where I am you will be, so Let us look above our redemption is near, Jesus is coming!! either we will meet him in air, either we will go by death but we know that one day we will be where he is, one day we will be with Jesus, one day we will be amazed by The kingdom of heaven. One day we will see Jesus face to face and we will rejoice in His salvation. One day we will worship him and adore him with the army of infinite angles in heaven.

  The Joy that awaits us in heaven is greater, it is exceeding  than any temporary Joy any Temporary thing  this world can offers. The experience that awaits us there is greater it is far more than we think. So let us hold our faith in Jesus Christ firm until the end.

What must we do to enter to this hope to inherit the kingdom of God, we need one thing to deny our selves and to follow Jesus, to put him first, to trust him in our Life in every thing we do, To abide in him and To live in Him Then we will not be ashamed, we will be with Jesus for Eternity experiencing the intimate relationship with God, we will be in heaven where there is no any sorrow, cry, agony, darkness, despair but hope, Life, peace, Joy, rejoicing, gladness, praize in The light of the glory of God, In The fullness of His presence.

Matthew 16
²⁴ Then said Jesus to his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
²⁵ For whoever will save his life shall lose it: and whoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

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