Rejoicing in the hope

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  What happens when we are discouraged and when all our trust fails and crumbles, we will be sad, depressed, anxious, hopeless but what happens when we found a hope for our situation, a hope for our Life we will feel excited, we feel like we are born in that moment having hope will change us and bring gladness for our soul.

This is God's hope, His hope can be The source of our gladness , even in darkest days there is God, even when all seems cloudy and Just when the situations seems going in the wrong direction, when every thing seems unfair In all that there is Hope because there is a God of Hope. If you have a trust/ faith in God rejoice today, be Glad because there is Hope for you from him. God has a hope for you he is a God of a hope and God will bring you out of the chaos and troubles  bring some thing good out of It. Just keep trusting God and hoping in him.

“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
  — Romans 5:2

We must be glad that we are having an eternal hope

We must be glad that Jesus is our everlasting hope

We must be glad about the hope that awaits us in heaven

We must be glad about The Love that Jesus and the gift of grace that is freely given to us.

We must be glad about the blood of Jesus that is sheded for us, also that washed our sin.

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
  — Romans  15:13

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