Hope In God's purpose

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In our limited Life span in this earth we must understand that we are not here by our self, It is God who bring us here, who made us, It is by purpose and destiny that God bring us, There is no any one who is extra in God's eye, In his eyes we are precious as a lonely child ,we are precious, unique, purposeful and useful as we are his only one In God's eyes.

When God bring us here he bring us purposefully, even if it is our choice to lean on him and on his purpose, God doesn't want any one of us to wander here and there to find some reason for our existence

Today the reason behind that despair, hopelessness, and anxiety of many Young people, older, every adults is lost of a true purpose, when we finish our run of chasing money, fame, when we reach in to that edge, in to that line we will understand that our accomplishments are done and we are not having that peace in our mind and soul.

God is calling us today to his purpose, his purpose is rest and peace, it is not something we will regret it after we reach it but God purpose is fulfilling, satisfying, rewarding, so Let us see that and hope in that even in the darkest of our days God has a purpose, Let us trust God knowing that he is a God who has a great purpose for our Life, and let us comfort our self thinking about how we are Loved and how precious we are to him created by God for specific purpose.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
  — Jeremiah 29:11

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