Hope For the broken hearted

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Many times we will be broken, most of time's the reason for our losing of hope is heart break. It may happen because of many reasons may be it can be losing of our loved ones, it can be divorse, relationship break up's, health condition In our life many unexpected things will happen that will broke our hearts.

In This darkest moments we might not found a person who can comfort us, a person who can understand our pain, a person who can understand what we are passing through, but here is the good news God can understand, he knows everything what we are passing through.

If we call out to God he is there to answer, to heal our hearts, to restore us There is no any thing that is difficult to him.

While we are in This situation we need to understand one thing that God is near to us.

God is there to help you
God is there to restore you
God is there to comfort you
God is there to change your sorrow to Joy
God is there to do the impossible
God is there to do a new thing for you
God is there to change your darkness to light
God is there to change your despair to hope

My brother, my sister you are not alone may be there is no any one around you who comfort you and help you in your situation but God is near to you, he is a refuge you can trust God in this situation his helping hand will be all over you, his mercy and kindness will help you in your darkest moment.

“The LORD is near to them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit.”
  — Psalms 34:18

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