Hope the unseen

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Most of times we put our hopes on the things we see, we hope in money, we hope in relationships. This world has teach us to hope in The things we see, The world is working on that to attract us and to make us to put our hope here in This world. The hope that the world give us will pass But The hope That God gives will be fulfilled.

Through Generations God has given a hope including the coming of Christ all are fulfilled in time, Now for there is a Hope that we can't see now but the hope that will come to pass and fulfilled at its time. We have a hope of eternal life with Jesus in heaven. God has given an eternal hope that who ever believe in Jesus might have eternal life with him.
This is the hope of the world when it seems we have it, it will blow away, when we say we catch it, it will slide out from our hands. The of the world is unsecured and Untrustfull. But we can trust fully without doubt the hope that God gives because surely it will come to pass.

We can't see it now but it will come to fulfillment, we will see it one day, God is faithful He will do what He say, God's Hope is not in vain, His hope is secure and sure, fixed.

“But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.”
  — 1Corinthians 2:9

This is the hope God doesn't call us for some less thing, He called us for salvation and eternal life with him, This is a great calling, God's great call has a great hope with it. This hope is not a hope that perish but this hope is a hope that is eternal.

We believe in God for what he did in The past, we hope on God standing on the promises he has given us.

We believe looking unto what Christ has done for us on the cross, we hope and wait for our union with Christ in eternity.

“For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man sees, why does he yet hope for?”
  — Romans 8:24

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