Hope of salvation

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This world may go in to deep darkness, In to deep chaous, but still there is salvation and Hope for every soul, God has send his son for the salvation of the world.

God has an answer and solution for every thing, God has a way out. God's way of salvation is His son Jesus Christ, God has given us His son for our salvation. God send his son to save our soul from perishing.

For any troubled soul, captivated soul Jesus Christ is there to set it free and to save it. Jesus Christ will save from any situation, condition, any thing, he can reach out any place, God has no any boundaries he will reach out to us by his mercy and kindness as we call out his name.

Jesus Christ is The hope and salvation of the world and us, He died on The cross for us, every soul needs his salvation

For depression , anxiety, despair, hopelessness There is an answer this is the Love of God, The mercy of God, The salvation of God through Jesus Christ.

God's calling to all the world is to come and see his salvation, his goodness and his mercy the call has no any requirements any person who is burdened and weary is invited to the cross to believe in Jesus and have salvation

Jesus on the cross has deafeated death

Jesus on the cross paid for our sins

Jesus on the cross win's the darkness

Jesus on the cross bring us salvation

Jesus died on the cross to give us life

Jesus deafeated the power of hell on the cross by his death

This is the great news Jesus Christ is hasn't remain dead he has rose from the dead and ascended to heaven he Is alive now in this moment.

Because Jesus is alive

               Hope is alive!!

               Salvation is here and Now.

  Jesus Christ is the hope for the world He is alive, He has resurrected and he is the answer and hope for every soul.

The grace of God appeared for salvation of any man kind this is a great news

Any person can receive this grace through believeing ing in Jesus. Jesus Christ died once for all our sins. This brings us grace for salvation. Through Believeing Ing on what Jesus Christ did for us through what he did for us we can be saved freely by accepting it that Jesus Christ died for us individually and by repenting and putting our trust on Christ.

“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,”
  — Titus 2:11

Salvation is God's help for us through Jesus Christ because we can not make it by our own, If we can make it by our own, if our Good works was enough to save us eternally, there was no need to Christ coming and dying for us. It is some one who is lost who needs some direction and a way, it is some one who is in darkness who needs light. It is some one in bondage who needs freedom. Jesus is all of that he is the eternal source of salvation. Jesus saves from the dept of sin as Bible says:-
“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;”
  — Col 2:14

Jesus paid it all on the cross, the wrath of God that was in sin was satisfied in him so that any one who believe in the son, may his sin be counted on Jesus, and Jesus has been punished in his place so he will not be punished this is salvation. Not by man's power but through believing what already done and finished. 
This is the Gospel:- Jesus is the way out, the answer, the door, the means of salvation, the truth, the life, Jesus has did some thing that you can't do dying for your sins and rise on the third day, paying your sin dept, he take all your burdens on him. So if you believe in him you will have life and salvation through him.

“He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God stays on him.”
  — John 3:36

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