Hope for The craving soul

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When we see our self and all the society we see that we have a problem what do we need? this is the question many will try to answer it by many ways but the common thing is human being has lost something and There is some desire that makes every human being the same There is some craving for more in every ones heart. Our soul has a question that is greater, a need that is urgent, That if it finds all the materialistic world at once, even all the pleasures of The world can't answer it.

The craving and The hunger a soul is deep The answer is God him self.

To day humanity is looking for truth

Today humanity is looking for peace and stablity inside

Today humanity is looking for satisfaction, fulfillment

Today humanity is looking for real Love and intimacy

We have some deep desires and urgues, need that is created with us that is very high standard that even if we find all the World can't match it. When we see that all what this world provides, peoples, society we understand that it is more than the capacity and the capabilities of the world we realize how deep it is so any one under the earth can't give us this answer, can't satisfy and fulfill our soul. along the Journey to find a true peace, Joy and fulfillment, answer for our soul we will fill we are missing something we try something over something to find if it can replace something that we feel it is Lost. But all this will happen, all the craving and finding satisfaction in this world until we understand our need is not something material and some thing from us but God him self. So we understand that our need is God we will run to him to find answer for the craving of our inside. When we find God we will find answer, then God will be the fulfillment and overflow , satisfaction of our soul, then there is no more wandering in wilderness, our soul will rest, our spirit will abide in peace and Joy that is originated from God we will find peace and rest in God completely.

What is The problem we are having? Let us come straight in to the problem, the problem we are having is "sin" Sin is everything That is against or contrary to The law and nature of God, God is Holy, God can't dwell in sin, because of that, because of our sin we all have Lost the presence of God.

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Romans 3:23

We were intended for a higher Life, a life with God, a Life with the indwelling presence of God but sin intered to the world the first human beings Adam and Eve disobeyed God They were living with a great communion with God but all become disturbed The sin make a veil between us and God.

This sin come to us from ancestors, we were born in sin, separated from God, sin become our indwelling place instead of God, sin captive us and snare us in The bondage of darkness where It seems there is No hope, we become slaves to sin obeying our sinful nature living in The cycle of sin. We haven't found any good fruit from sin but instead we sow all the anger, shame, despair, Unfullfilment, dryness of soul, This is the result of our sin it bring us distraction, we lost our time, youthfulness, energy, sin defiles our personality, It destroyed our soul.

The profit of sin is death and distraction, There is no any benefit from sin.

"For the wages of sin is death; ....."
Romans 6:23

As humanity it seems that we haven't find any cure for This sin, But God send us his son Jesus Christ to This world as we were afflicted to death, as we were heading to death and distraction The saviour distraction The saviour Jesus Christ came and died for us, The one who knew no sin became sin for us.

This is what Jesus did he take it all our desease and pain, He died once and for all in our place, all our sins was counted on him, he paid it being us, He died being us, He resurrected being us, so if we believe in him we have died with Christ when he die for us, we have resurrected with Christ when he rose on The Third day.

What good news come by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ by his death and resurrection made us a way to God, Jesus Christ by his death he uncover the veil that was between human and God, by his blood he reconcile us with God, dath, sin and The power of darkness was defeated.

Relationship with God made possible for who ever believes in Jesus with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When any one believes in Jesus The person will be born again from that moment That person will be fully forgiven and a child of God, and The spirit of God /Holy Spirit with indwell inside that person. From that moment that person has an active relationship with God a new Life and a new experience, Within The indwelling of Holy Spirit comes a Joy, peace, rest that floods inside and that flows from within. This is what God promised to give us his spirit and so we can communion with God through his spirit so we can indwell in The presence of God. In the place where we feel God and enjoy fellowship with God.

The presence of God is amazing it is there the answer is found for every question of a soul, where the presence of God and the spirit of God is There is freedom, Joy, hope, peace, newness, reviving of soul.

It is this communion and relationship that our spirit and soul are seeking with out God any other thing can't fill up this gap, This hole,

God is our deepest need and answer.

IT is The presence of God that fulfills and satisfy

"You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures for ever more."
Psalms 16:11

God is The fullness of satisfaction for human soul,

After a person is born again and start a communion and intimacy with God within the indwelling of The holy Spirit. It is the fruit of The spirit That will produce, The result of it is not distraction and hopelessness but Life, Joy, peace in abundance.

"......; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 6:23

The fruit of This Life of relationship and communion with God will spring up both this Life and eternally.

Galatians 5
²² But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
²³ Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

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