waiting on the hope

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   We must wait unto the hope, we must keep trusting, our eyes must be fixed on the hope giver, looking up to the hope giver will give us strength in our Journey.

Waiting is worthy because God is a Just God, He will fulfill his promises, He will do what he say

What kind of waiting does God want from us, God wants us to wait him by faith, holding his promises, by trusting him.

Let us wait the hope that is coming with faith, endurance and patience.

Truly when hope slugs when it seems that we are not reaching it , It will test our faith,patience. But when that hope comes all the waiting is nothing because God restores and pays back, our waiting to him is not waste but it is a gain.

What must we do while waiting, Let us look to the hope giver, Let us walk looking unto him, let us walk after Jesus Then in our Journey with him surely we will find The hope that is in Him.

  Jesus is our Hope, we have a Hope in Christ that is unshakable what we must do as we wait for this hope, we need to look to christ learn from him and know him personally so along the Journey we will be on The right route that God wants us to be, In our Journey by faith in Jesus Christ, our hope will be real and brighter as we go deeper to fellowship with Jesus, fellowship with The God of all hopes, The Bible tell us to look unto him, when we look at Jesus we will find strength until The end.

“Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
  — Hebrew 12:2

“To you lift I up my eyes, O you that dwell in the heavens.”
  — Psalms  123:1

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