Chapter 2

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Flashback: Misty's POV

The first time I noticed a boy I was 12 years old. My brother's best friend. Annoying. Loud. Obnoxious. He and Taehyung ate all of the snacks in the pantry and left me crumbs while they played Xbox in his room until dinner time. He was 16 and he had been friends with my brother for four years now. Jimin was always cute, at least to me, but he wasn't very nice to me.

"Does she have to play with us?" Tae would whine when I was 9 years old and they played super smash brothers in his room, excluding me because they said I wasn't a challenge enough to be worth playing against. Jimin would exclusively target me with bombs and the stupid hammer, sending me flying off the screen instantly to my death, in which he and Taehyung would laugh hysterically until all my lives were gone.

I put up with this for four years, hating when he would come over and hang out with my brother because it pretty much meant my entire weekend was going to be spent being taunted by these two older boys.

That is, until Tae's 16th Birthday. I was dreading it because I knew Jimin was coming over. I hadn't really seen him since the summer. He had come over occasionally, but I avoided the two of them, going to hang out with my own friends and get away from the two of them, but Mom insisted I attend Tae's birthday dinner, which was basically just us...and Jimin.

That's when it felt my first case of butterflies. My first heart flutter. My cheeks burning as I sat across from him at the restaurant. He wore a backwards snap back, his black hair peeking out from beneath it. His tanned skin and toned arms. The way his eyes would turn into crescents whenever my brother would say something stupid and he would laugh. Why had that never made my heart flutter before? I didn't know what a crush was. I didn't know why I suddenly couldn't seem to keep my eyes off the boy I couldn't stand. My body was changing, I could see that. But my mind was also changing.

His laugh that once annoyed me now made me feel things I didn't quite understand. I was shy to eat in front of him. Anytime he glanced at me I felt my heart flutter and a knot form in my lower stomach.

As the weather got warmer and the months passed, I found myself making sure I was home when Jimin came over. I know it was pathetic. He was much older than me and didn't see me as anything other than Taehyung's annoying baby sister, but I still liked watching him play basketball with my brother outside on the driveway.

I still liked watching him come inside, sweat drenched hair and tanned skin, going to the fridge for a glass of lemonade. It made me have this unfamiliar ache between my legs and I was too embarrassed to tell my mother about it. So I just ignored it the best I could. I started to put on make up when I knew he was coming over.

Lip gloss, eyeshadow, a little eyeliner. I fixed my hair like the girls did in the magazines with the half-up ponytails high on their heads. It wasn't until that summer that I saw him fumble at my appearance. I had just turned 13 and school had just let out for the summer.

Jimin pretty much was over everyday. I had put on a pair of shorts, fringed at the hems, and a button down crop top. I don't know why I was dressing like this. I don't even know why I wanted him to look. He was my brother's dumb obnoxious friend...

My hair was straighted, brushed and tied into a half pony tail, framing my face and the rest of my red hair was over my shoulders and down my back. Light lip gloss and eyeshadow.

"Where the hell are you going?" Taehyung had asked, peeking into my room watching me prep my appearance so maticulously. I jumped at his sudden presence.

"Nowhere," I said, blushing.

"We're going out to play basketball. Don't be weird for once," Taehyung said, and I heard Jimin walk into the house.

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