Chapter 17

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Jimin's POV

Cold. I'm so fucking cold.

Why am I cold?

My eyes feel heavy. My body feel like it weighs a million pounds. What's wrong with me?

I finally open my eyes. Everything is hazy but...I can see his face. Taehyung. He's covered in something red, but I don't know what it is.

God I'm so tired. He's shouting at me, but I'm just so tired.

"Stay with me, buddy..." I hear Taehyung as I feel my body being lifted onto something and I'm carried towards flashing lights. Red and blue and loud sirens approaching.

At least I'm off the ground. But I'm still cold and I feel like I'm covered in sticky water. My eyes raise up again and I see Taehyung get in this van with me. No wait...this isn't a van. It's an ambulance.

"Wha—-what's—" I struggle to get my words out. I can barely move and I can barely make out anything Tae is saying as I feel the rocking of the vehicle start to take off.

"You gotta stay awake Jimin. It's going to be ok's going to be ok..." he says and i furrow my brow. He was mad at me wasn't he? Why was that again? Oh god I'm too tired to think.


My eyes fly open. Misty!

"M—-mis....Misty...." I managed her name and Tae looks at me. Sadness in his eyes. Oh god. Was she ok?

"Is she....ok?" I forced out and Tae tucked a warning blanket around my chin as I started to shiver. God it was so damn cold.

"The police are looking for her....I'm going to search for her once we get you to the hospital," he explained.

"Why..." I coughed and tasted iron. Blood. "Why am I so cold?"

"You were stabbed Jimin...several times. In the abdomen. We don't know the extent of the damage but you are going to be ok...just stay with me..."

I was stabbed? I feel no pain. Just cold and heavy. What the hell? And Misty was gone? Where was she? I tried to get off the bed and tell them to stop the ambulance. I had to find her. But Tae kept me from moving.


"We will find her, Jimin..." Tae told me as the ambulance arrived at the hospital. I looked up as 3 men secured a mask over my face. I couldn't hold on anymore. I had to sleep. The cold and the heaviness I felt was too much.

"Please find her..." I managed before my world went black.


Misty's POV

He pulled me from the hotel room. I wasn't even dressed, but he didn't care. I tried to fight him off, as we stepped out into the night, my foot landing in something wet and warm on the pavement.

I screamed as I saw Jimin laying there, my bare toes soaked in his fresh pooling blood, as it poured from his abdomen. His eyes were half open and I tried to break free to see if he was breathing but I was jerked back.

Derek had me and he was dragging me towards his car.

"Stop fighting me bitch!" I felt a hard thud against my head and my world went black.

When I woke up later it was still dark and we weee speeding down a highway. I look over at him. He's dirty, a crazed look in his eyes.

"You're awake!"

"Fuck you!! Where am I?" I asked, looking around but I have no idea how long I've been out or where we were.

"Somewhere where they will never find us," Derek shouted at me. "I fucking killed a guy for you. My life is over if they fucking find us!"

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