Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV

The first time I realized my relationship with her had changed, I was 19. I was applying for colleges and working at my dad's restaurant. It was spring time, the weather was a cool 70 degrees in May and Taehyung and I were planning to take these two beautiful twin girls out on a date. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't hoping for sex from my date, because I was. I was horny as hell and my mind was zeroed in just ending the night by getting laid.

I arrived at Tae's house around five, spending most of my afternoon fixing my hair until it was perfect. I arrived in a layered polo shirt, and khaki pants, solid white tennis shoes and my SnapBack hat. My date was texting me telling me she couldn't wait to see me. I had met her and her sister at the restaurant and decided I'd hook Tae up to, because that's what friends are for right?

Tae came down the stairs a few moments later and I waited for him on the couch. "Sorry," he apologized, looking a bit stressed. "Bit of a crisis..."

"What's going on?" I asked, hoping this wouldn't effect our date. I didn't want to disappoint these beautiful girls.

"It's Misty," Tae said, sighing and sitting next to me. "She has a school dance tonight. Her date hasn't contacted her all day and she's supposed to meet her friends in an hour."

I heard her crying as she came down the stairs. Mrs. Kim reassuring her that it was alright to go to a school dance without a date.

"No, it's not. Only losers do that!" Misty exclaimed, and I stood up, making my way into the kitchen where I saw her sitting at the kitchen island in a sparkly purple sequined dress, strappy high heels and her hair half way pinned up with a large purple flower.

"Honey, you are going to ruin your make up," Mrs. Kim told her, hugging her daughter as she continued to cry.

"I'm ugly," Misty cried into her shoulder and something in my heart broke. Ugly? Misty thought she was ugly?

"Maybe you will find a date at the dance, Sweetheart," Mr. Kim tried his best to cheer his daughter up but she just shook her head.

"Nick was supposed to take me. We've been dating for an entire month! I don't know why he would suddenly just ignore me like this...especially right before the dance..." She wiped away her tears and I looked over at Tae who was standing in the hallway watching his sister in the middle of her crisis.

I couldn't stand this. I couldn't stand to watch her go through this anymore. She thought she was ugly, she thought she was a loser, all because some boy couldn't step up and be a man for her. I felt my heart tug at me. I knew what I had to do, and if it meant I wasn't going to get sex tonight, then I didn't care at that moment. I wanted to make her happy. This was Misty of all people. My Ariel. My little mermaid who seemed to be feeling more and more out of the water these days.

"Tae, I'm gonna run real quick...Tell Minnie I couldn't make it..." I said, and he looked at me like i had grown a second head.

"What? Why can't you make it?" Tae asked me, but I had already rushed out of the door, and hopped in my car. I practically dashed into the grocery store, grabbed the most beautiful red rose bouquet I could find, and then made a mad dash for my own house. Both of my parents were gone at the moment, so I didn't have to explain to them why I was running to my room, and darting out a few minutes later in the tuxedo I had from my own senior prom the year prior.

That date, by the way, was a total bust for me. I don't even want to remember it.

I was gone for twenty minutes, and when I came back, Misty was settled on the couch, still in her dress, wiping her nose with a tissue. Her mother was making her some hot tea in the kitchen and Tae met me at the door.

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