Chapter 9

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"Jimin!" Tae's voice startled Jimin out of his slumber. He hadn't slept good the night before, not at all. Seeing Misty cry like that was more than he could handle, and he tossed and turned all night in his bed. After classes, he couldn't keep his eyes open and had fallen asleep on the couch.

"What?" Jimin asked, half opening his eyes.

"I got you on a blind date," Tae smiled, and sat down next to him. "Trust me, she's hot. She's Asuka's friend! I told her you were almost 22. Korean. And very single! How's Saturday night?"

Jimin chuckled a little and sat up straighter. "Tae, I don't know..."

"Dude, you haven't gotten any ass this year! C'mon! Her name is Angel. You know girls with names like that are always wild in bed," Tae slapped his arm. "I'm doing you a favor dude. You got to get out of this dry spell in your in."

"Alright," Jimin accepted, not wanting Tae to get suspicious. It wasn't like Jimin to go more than a week without a date, much less an entire month. He hadn't really spoken to Misty in two days. She avoided him for the most part, and part of him was grateful for that. Just saying "Hello" to her was enough to make him want to take her on the kitchen counter.

"Awesome! I'll let her know," Tae stood up and pulled out his cell phone. Jimin leaned back on the couch and sighed. This didn't feel right, but he had to do something. He couldn't be with Misty and they both knew it.

By the time Saturday evening arrived, Jimin was feeling even more apprehensive about it. He saw Misty in the living room as he walked out of his bedroom, dressed in a blue button down shirt and jeans with his black and white Nike's. His black hair peeking out from underneath his SnapBack. Misty felt her heart skip a beat when they locked eyes.

His heart broke. She was dressed in sweat pants and a tank top, her hair tied in a side ponytail. They stared at each other for a while and Jimin placed both of his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Hey..." he spoke and she looked from his gaze to the television.

"Hey..." she replied and she felt him sit beside her. "You look....nice." She said, catching scent of his cologne. She wanted to melt into him.

"Thanks. Uh..." he removed his hat and ran his fingers through his black hair. "I have...a...a date."

Misty felt like a knife was going through her chest. A date? Was he serious? He had just told her on Tuesday that they couldn't be together so now he felt like he could go out with some other girl whose brother wasn't trying to control ever aspect on her life!?

"A date?" She looked at him, and the look in her eyes killed him. Hurt. Anger. Frustration.

"Look, it's a blind date. I don't even know what she looks like..." Jimin said, but she cut him off.

"You don't have to explain to me," she stood up from the couch and walked past him into the kitchen. "You don't have to say anything..." she grabbed a drink from the fridge and went straight to her room, slamming the door.

"Misty!" He shouted, but he got no response. He wanted to go into her room, apologize, and just say fuck it. Make love to her. Be with her. Tell Tae he was going to be with her whether he wanted to murder him or not. He didn't care anymore.

Her door was locked when he tried to open it. "Misty! Open up so we can talk..."

"Go the fuck away! Go out with her and leave me alone!" She shouted from inside and Jimin backed away from the door.

"You know what? Fine! You don't want to talk to me, I'm not going to force you!" His anger mounted. God, why did she have to be so stubborn? He walked back into the living room and grabbed his hat and his keys and walked out the door to meet his date.

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