Chapter 5

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Misty sat on the edge of her bed, trying to keep the tears from spilling from her eyes. Her emotions were sent into overdrive. He had kissed her, messed with her thoughts, and made the ache between her legs so intense she wasn't sure it would ever go away. And then he actually asked about Jenny. Whoever that is...

He seemed interested. Maybe he liked the attention, but shouldn't her attention be enough? Of course it wasn't. She wasn't anything special. She was the one they called the ugly girl in high school. The one with the red hair. The one with the too wide hips, but not large enough breasts. The one with the gorgeous brother. The one they would have sworn was adopted into her family, but she wasn't. She was picked on and teased constantly by the others in her grade, and having a crush on her older brother's gorgeous best friend didn't make matters any better.

In fact, it had been down right humiliating at times.


Misty's POV

It was my 14th birthday party and I had invited some friends from school for a slumber party. I hadn't been surprised when most of them said they'd come because of a lot of them had a crush on my older brother...and they knew Jimin pretty much lived at my house on the weekends. I'm not a popular girl, I have a few friends, but I mostly stay to myself and don't have a boyfriend.

My mom got us pizza, cupcakes and we pull out my board games as we settle downstairs in the basement living room. It's still light outside this time of year, mid-spring, and we have the sliding glass door open with the screen pulled so we can enjoy the fresh air while we go through the games.

The most popular girl had shown up, and by this I was surprised. She usually picked at me. She had long black hair and always had the best clothes. Her father was a lawyer, so she had tons of money. Her name was Christina Kane, and she was called the prettiest girl in school.

I hadn't really wanted to her to come to my party, but my Mom wouldn't let me even have a party unless I agreed to invite all the females in my grade. Mae was my best friend, we had been friends since second grade when we moved here, and she was really the only one i felt comfortable with being in my house.

Tori, Andrea, Christina and Tiffany had come just to stare at my brother and Jimin, but it was fine, at least it looked like I had friends, right? We played Dream phone. It was kind of a dumb game where you called up fake boys on a fake phone on a fake number and they gave clues about which boy in school liked you.

It was kind of like Clue, except with you trying to figure out which boy had a crush on you. Dumb and childish. I know. But hey, I was 14!

"Misty, which boy do you think is the cutest in school?" Christina asked me, and I looked up at her, blushing wildly.

"Uhm...what? I...I don't have a school crush." Lying. I was lying through my teeth and everyone knew it.

"On the board, Silly," Christina said, pointing to the game. "Which boy do you hope likes you back?"

I blushed, feeling stupid as the other girls snickered and giggled at my stupid reaction. I wanted to kick myself. "Oh, uhm...well..." I looked at the board. "Matt is pretty cute." I said, pointing to a boy with black hair and brown eyes.

"Oh yea, he's very....Jimin-like isn't he?" Tori said giggling, and I felt my cheeks burn hot.

"Jimin?" I knew I was red, my blood pressure raised, my heart began to race. "I don't even like Jimin. He's annoying..." I said, defensively.

"Why are you blushing then?" Christina asked, and I looked over at Mae.

"I have a crush on Tae" Mae spoke up, coming to my rescue.

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