Chapter 6

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Jimin had laid in bed with Misty for a while, not wanting to leave her side after what had happened between them. They talked and laughed and kissed all afternoon until dinner time, and then they had to go out and act normal in front of their housemates and especially in front of Taehyung.

Jimin had several missed calls from several girls he had given his number to before classes had started over the summer. His inbox was filling up with girls asking to make plans with him, and he knew it was wrong, but all he wanted to do was take Misty in his arms and never let her go. It was a dangerous game he was playing, and he knew it.

"I love the way you make me feel when I'm with you," he had told her as they both laid naked under her quilt, both fully satisfied, yet still yearning to know what sex between them would be like. Jimin already knew if he did make love to her that he would definitely fall for her. But she was a virgin, and he couldn't push for her to give him that gift.

They made out for several long minutes, no sexual intentions behind their kisses, just long, intimate soft kisses. Her skin against his. Their usual banter. They had almost lost track of time until Jimin's phone rang and it was Tae reminding him that it was Yoongi's night to cook so he better make sure that he hadn't fallen asleep.

That's when he separated from her, and all throughout dinner, he looked at her like he wished it was just the two of them again. Tae invited Asuka over, and they decided as a group to watch a movie in the living room. Yoongi and Rei cuddled under a blanket, Jungkoook sat on the floor in front of the couch and Tae and Asuka cuddled together on one love seat.

Misty looked at Jimin wondering what she should do. Should she sit with him? She wanted to. Jungkook smiled when he noticed the tension between them and Yoongi nudged him with his foot to keep his mouth shut.

"You can take the other loveseat," Jimin smiled, setting down the blanket on the couch. "I can sit with Kooki."

"Why don't you two just sit together?" Jungkook asked, watching Jimin's cheeks turn flush red. His eyes fell on Taehyung and he shrugged.

"I mean, unless you got a girl coming over tonight, Jimin..." Tae said, and Misty looked over at her brother, knowing he didn't realize how much the idea of that hurt her. Jimin let out a chuckle, more of a nervous laughter than an actual laugh.

"No, I don't have any girls..." he flashed Misty a smile, and settled onto the loveseat next to her. "Uhm...I can...I can get a separate blanket, want me to." He whispered softly as Yoongi lowered the lights.

"No," she shook her head. "Same blanket..."

He smiled and softly bit his lower lip as he felt her scoot closer to him. He wanted to lean back and let her rest against his chest, like Yoongi was doing with Rei, but that would have been to obvious. Only couples sat like that.

Jungkook stared at the two of them. The sexual tension between them was obvious and Misty noticed him staring. She wanted to ask him what his problem was, but she was almost afraid of what he was going to say.

The movie was on for a while, Tae started making out with Asuka about 10 minutes in and Misty rolled her eyes. So he was allowed to date, but she wasn't? Jimin put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. She smiled and put her head on his chest.

"It's cold in here," Jimin said, pulling the blanket up over them both, covering her shoulders. "Keep me warm..."

Jungkook was starting to get jealous. Sure, he wanted Jimin to get laid, but he didn't want him to get serious with Misty. After all, he wanted a chance with her himself. But Jimin wasn't the kind of guy you competed again and won. If he wanted something, he got it, and no one else stood a chance when it came to girls.

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