4 Awake

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Stefanie POV

Something was wrong. What were those noises? Why did my body feel so heavy? I tried to remember what had happened, but everything seemed like a fog. Blurred and without sense.

But then I suddenly felt someone take my right hand. The touch was as pleasant as it was unexpected. My insides began to tingle as a warmth flowed through me that I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Sir?" I heard a woman say.

"Yes?" replied a deep, masculine voice.

I didn't know why, but somehow this voice sounded familiar. Slowly I opened my eyes and immediately had to squint. The light in this room was so bright. I turned my head ever so slightly to the side and saw that there was indeed a man sitting next to me.

"It's time to go." said the female voice.

Then the man turned in my direction. Suddenly, with a bang, I knew again what had happened and who he was. He had lifted me out of the car. He had promised me that everything would be okay. I remembered his eyes. Those eyes that radiated so much warmth and trust, even though he sounded scared.

And now the sounds around me also made sense. I was in the hospital. My body probably felt so heavy because they gave me a lot of painkillers.

When he saw me looking at him, his brown eyes widened and he looked like he couldn't believe I was looking at him. I swallowed against the lump in my throat.

"Hey..." I breathed. That was all I could do, because my throat was so damn dry.

"Oh my goodness! You... you're awake! How are you feeling?" he babbled immediately and I could see the heat rising to his face.

"Um..." I started but the nurse was also on the spot and started bombarding me with questions.

"Miss King, it's good to see you conscious. They are at Tampa General Hospital. Do you know who you are? Do you know what happened? Are you in any pain? I'll get your doctor in a minute." she said without taking a breath as she practically hovered over me.

"I'm fine. Could you leave us alone for a few minutes, please?" I replied.

"Oh um..." she stuttered, quickly looking back and forth between me and the man.

"Sure, I'll get the doctor." she finally said and then left the room.

"How are you feeling?" the man asked again while looking at me very closely.

"I am alright. I... well, I wanted to thank you for saving me. I'm sorry, I don't even know your name," I replied.

It was only at that moment that I noticed he was still holding my hand.

"You remember?" he wanted to know.

"Not everything, but I remember you..." I replied.

"Roman, my name is Roman." he completed my sentence.

"Thank you, Roman." I said softly and squeezed his hand very lightly.

"You're welcome, Stefanie." he replied in a low voice.

I never liked my full name, but I had to admit that it didn't sound bad coming out of his mouth. What was going on here? Didn't I have other things to worry about at the moment? I was in the hospital after a car accident and was probably quite injured and yet my mind was completely focused on this foreign man.

"Steffi is enough." I said to him and couldn't help but smile. But I immediately regretted that, because my whole face hurt terribly.

"Alright, Sir, you really need to leave now. The doctors need to examine Miss King to make sure she's okay." the nurse said sternly as she came back into the room.

"Oh okay. I guess I should be going. I just wanted to know you were okay. I'm glad you're okay. Bye." said Roman.

He was obviously reluctant to leave. I didn't want him to leave either, but what could I do. I was probably stuck here for a while.

"Listen... I know this may sound weird.... I'm just a stranger that you happened to save the life of, but.... would it be possible... for you to come visit me again sometime?" I stammered.

It was hard for me to find the right words, first because it was awkward and second because I started to feel the pain in my body. Even these few minutes had been physically very exhausting.

"Really? You want me to come back?" he asked, astonished.

"Yes." I replied simply.

"Then I'll come back to visit you. I'll be out of town for a few days because of my job. But I promise I'll come and see you as soon as I can," he promised me as his eyes flashed and his lips formed into a dazzling smile.

"Goodbye, Roman," I whispered.

"Bye, Steffi." he said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before disappearing under the watchful eye of the nurse.

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