39 All the greater...

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Stefanie POV

I hummed softly to myself as I put everything I needed for Roman's breakfast on a tray. When I was sure I had thought of everything, I turned around to check on Ruby.

My little one sat in her high chair and very carefully ate her oatmeal with fresh blueberries. She was always very proud when I let her feed herself. And I had to admit that she did a good job. Almost everything went into her little mouth. Even if something went wrong, Reese was always there to pick up the crumbs from the floor. I loved the bond the two of them had with each other. From day one, Reese was protective of Ruby and watched closely who approached her.

And it was still like that today. One and a half years later. If anything, their love for each other was still growing every single day. I enjoyed the cute little moments between the two of them to the fullest. My favorite thing to watch was when the two of them would lay together in our big bed or on the couch and took a nap. It just melted my heart every time.

"Okay Ruby Roo. Are you done?" I asked my little girl.

"Yes." she replied in her angelic voice and smiled at me. That particular smile reminded me especially of her father's.

"Alright. Then we'll quickly clean your mouth and hands. Do you want to help Mommy surprise Daddy?" I said to her.

When I finished cleaning her up, Ruby clapped her hands enthusiastically.

"Su-pise Dada." she repeated my words, more or less.

"Then let's go." I said with a laugh as I lifted her out of the high chair and set her down.

"Reese come!" she said and marched off. Reese, of course, followed her immediately.

I grabbed the prepared tray to follow them both quickly. When I got into the bedroom I saw Reese and Ruby climbing onto the bed with the help of the doggy stairs. Roman didn't seem to notice, because he was still snoring quietly. He had been home late that night, so I decided to let him sleep longer.

Ruby crawled very close to her father and reached out her tiny hand to his face. Very gently, she began to caress his cheek. However, it seemed that all this was not fast enough for Reese. He stood on the pillow next to Roman's head and simply licked a wide swipe across his face. That did the trick.

Roman opened his eyes and smiled at Ruby and Reese. Immediately Ruby laid her head on his chest and demanded her cuddles. She missed her daddy a lot when he was away.

"Good morning, my loves. " Ro said in a deep, sleepy morning voice.

"Morning Dada." squeaked our daughter.

"Morning babe. Hungry?" I wanted to know as I carefully placed the tray on the bed.

"Always. You know I am." he replied as he held Ruby so he could sit up.

I sat down on the bed with my family and Reese climbed into my lap. Although Ruby had just eaten breakfast, she eyed her daddy's food very closely and every now and then snatched small pieces of the scrambled eggs or fruit. Always hungry was something else she had inherited from her father.

"New mug?" asked Roman as he drank his coffee.

"Yep. I thought it was cute." I replied and had to bite my tongue to keep from blabbing about why I thought this particular mug was so great.

While Roman ate his breakfast and cuddled with Ruby at the same time, we talked about everything. Everything that had happened in the last few days and of course about what was planned for the coming days.

"We have an important appointment later. Mom's coming over to watch Ruby Roo and Reese," I said to Roman as I watched him take the last sips of his coffee.

"What kind of appointment?" he asked.

"Look a little closer at the inside of your mug for the answer," I smirked.

Roman stared into the mug. I saw his eyes get huge as he almost dropped it and Ruby as well. Because on the bottom of the mug the words were written:

You are going to be a daddy again.

Roman POV

"Oh my God!" I gasped, overwhelmed as what I was reading began to make sense.

With Ruby in my arms, I practically threw myself into my wife's arms. We were a big ball of love now. Stefanie, Ruby, Reese and me. And the little unborn miracle we were expecting.

I couldn't believe it. We had planned to have more children, but I didn't expect it at that moment. But that made my joy all the greater.

"God! I love you! We'll get another gem!" I said into her ear.

I pulled back a bit and covered her face with lots of kisses. Steffi's happy giggles were music to my ears. I could hardly imagine a more beautiful moment, but I had thought that many times before. Nevertheless, the universe managed it every time to put one more on top.


"Okay Mrs. Reigns. Let's see how far along you are." the doctor said as he began the ultrasound.

I held my wife's hand tightly as we both stared at the monitor. It was still totally fascinating, even though it wasn't the first time. Seeing your baby for the first time is always special, no matter how many children you've had.

"Is that...?" asked Stefanie, pointing at the monitor.

I immediately saw what she meant and could hardly believe it either.

"Yes, you're right. Congratulations. You are expecting twins." the doctor confirmed.

"Did you hear that, Ro?" Steffi asked me, her eyes already glistening with tears of joy as a bright smile spread across her face.

"I sure did. It looks like your wish for siblings for Ruby is coming true." I replied as I bent down to kiss my beloved wife.

Our family continued to grow. And for me, all my dreams came true.

My Universe [a Roman Reigns story]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin