40 Blessings

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Stefanie POV

"Mommy, can we go see Daddy now?" asked Ruby as I was getting her little brothers changed for the occasion.

She was really excited as she swung her little legs back and forth while sitting on the bed. Her impatience was so strong that I was surprised she had been able to take a nap at all.

"It's almost time, Ruby Roo. Mommy is just getting Liam and Kilian ready and then we'll see where your Daddy is. I'm sure he's just as excited as you are," I explained to her.

I really wished I could slow down time, but instead it seemed to pass faster and faster. By now the twins were almost 2 years old. Kilian Amadeus and Liam Cedric Reigns kept us very busy. However, it was worth every second. Ruby a little over 4 and the biggest sunshine. My babies were no longer babies. Hard to believe.

Everyday life with three small children was definitely not easy, but we still managed to juggle everything. Jobs, kids, dog, household and traveling. We spent as much time as a family as possible. That's why we accompanied Roman throughout the Wrestlemania week.

It was especially time-consuming and demanding for him. But whenever you looked into the faces of our children, you could see that it was a great balance for the stress. That's why it was so important for me to be around him the whole week with the kids. As long as it was still possible to travel with them. Once Ruby started kindergarten in the fall, it won't be so easy.

"Alright, my mini Reigns's. Are we ready?" I asked my kids as I took the twins hands and led them to the exit of the bus. Ruby was bouncing and giggling the whole time.

We stayed in Roman's tour bus during the day so the kids could sleep and play. It was more convenient than spending time in the hotel. And I could bring them here any time they got cranky, especially the boys. Sometimes they just needed a little quiet time. I felt the same way. So it was good to have a rolling home close to us. Only the nights we spent in the hotel, so we could bathe the kids and they had a similar bedtime routine as at home.

Reese, meanwhile, enjoyed his own downtime with Leo. Even though my little man loved the kids more than anything, he was getting older too and sometimes he needed some rest.

I put the boys in their double stroller because the paths in the stadium were sometimes quite long and I didn't want to carry them the whole time. We went through the security check and I saw Ruby keeping her eyes open for her daddy. She was Daddy's girl through and through.

"Daddy!" she suddenly shouted as we rounded a corner.

Ruby ran up to Roman and wrapped her little arms around his leg before he even had a chance to react.

"Ruby Roo! Hello my darling. Did you miss me?" he wanted to know as he took her in his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I did." she confirmed with a nod of her head.

"I missed you too," I said when we reached the two of them.

"Hi, baby girl. I sure missed you more." he replied, putting his free hand on my hip and pulling me close to him.

"How are my boys?" he asked, looking closely at Liam and Kilian.

But they were always pretty shy when there were a lot of other people around. The boys just grinned at their father. Roman let go of me and knelt in front of the stroller with Ruby in his arms. Then he talked quietly with the kids. It was so sweet. My husband really was a fantastic father. He tried so hard. And I couldn't ask for a better partner by my side.


The kids held up surprisingly well after their nap. Ruby watched all the matches while we waited for Roman's turn.

"Daddy? Can I go to the ring with you?" Ruby asked as we made our way to the Gorilla.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. But it's too dangerous. Daddy doesn't want anything to happen to his little gem." he explained to her.

I knew it was very hard for him to ignore her pouting face. He probably would have liked to give in, but she was really still a bit too young for that. But eventually she would stand by Daddy's side.

"Have fun. I love you." I said as he got ready to steal the show.

"I love you, too. Be good for Mommy." said Roman, giving me a kiss before turning his attention to the kids.

He hugged them and gave them kisses too before it was really time to go. His music started to play. We sat backstage and watched the match on the monitor.

When it was over and Roman came back up the ramp. I saw Ruby sneaking towards the curtain.

"Ruby, no!" I said.

"It's okay. Stefanie. She can go out if she wants. We'll be off-air in a minute." said one of the producers.

"Mommy, please?" asked Ruby of me, her face heart-wrenching.

"All right. Careful and only to Daddy." I relented.

I didn't have to tell her twice. Immediately she slipped through the curtain.

Roman POV

Tired but happy, I raised the title above my head as the fireworks went off. But then suddenly I felt something familiar on my leg and at the same time I heard the audience cheering a little louder.

I looked down and saw my little gem clinging to my leg once again. Smiling, though surprised, I lifted my daughter up. Immediately she put her head on my shoulder and one hand on my neck.

Then I raised the title above my head once more. Ruby took her hand from my neck and stretched her arm in the air just as I did. I could well imagine that one day she would stand in this place with her own title.

I got the signal that the show was over and went to the back with Ruby. Stefanie and the boys were waiting for us. My wife looked so proud. I saw the tears in her eyes. She stood up and took us in her arms.

"We are so proud of you." she whispered in my ear.

"Thank you, baby girl," I replied softly.

Then we sat down Ruby climbed into her Mommy's lap so I could hold Liam and Kilian in my arms.

This was such a perfect moment again. Something I would carry in my heart.

"How are you feeling?" asked Steffi after a few minutes of silence.

"Sore and tired, but at the same time extremely happy. How are you? And little Gemma?" I asked as I reached out a hand for her 6 month bump.

She put her hand on mine and immediately we felt our baby moving. Gemma Leonore had been our little surprise baby. But although we hadn't exactly planned for her, we were over the moon to soon be able to hold a fourth baby in our arms. Maybe the universe thought Ruby deserved a sister. Maybe God wanted to even out the numbers a little. Regardless of why we received this gift, it was a blessing.

I had been blessed since I pulled my wife out of that burning car. Although I didn't know it at the time, I not only saved her life that fateful day. In a way, I saved my own life. I had found something that made my life so much more worth living. The love of my life with whom I could share everything and who had given me the greatest gift. A big family of my own.

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