27 Your opinion

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Roman POV

There was nothing better than to come home after a long weekend and week and relax with my girl. And now it was not long before I could officially call Stefanie my wife. Even though it wouldn't make much difference to me. I knew for a long time, actually from the first moment, that I wanted this woman forever.

I opened the door and breathed in the familiar scent. Immediately I felt how peace and relaxation flowed through me. As soon as I put my suitcase aside, I heard a very familiar sound. Reese's little paws on the hardwood floor.

He came running towards me and then spun enthusiastic circles around me. Laughing, I bent down to take him in my arms. As usual, he fidgeted like crazy.

"Hi buddy! Wow, a few days with my mom and you must have gained a pound. How many treats did she give you, huh?" I asked the dog in my arms.

Reese, however, was not bothered a bit by this. He just snuggled up to me and let me pet him.

With the little guy in my arms, I then went in search of my gorgeous fiancée. My almost-wife as I preferred to call her.

When I arrived in the living room, I saw my beloved sitting on the floor. Many different pictures and papers spread in a semicircle around her. She was obviously on the phone and therefore had not heard me. I enjoyed the moment and just watched her. How she smoothed her hair over her shoulder or how she flipped through her papers because she was looking for something specific. Or how she quickly sketched something on her iPad.

It was all those little things I missed when I was on the road. The conversations on the phone and video calls didn't come close to being enough. I preferred to be able to hold her in my arms as we told each other about our day.

"No, I've already done that.... They will be delivered tomorrow at 11am.... Yes, that's right... Just the wallpaper.... I already have all that in the car.... No, I still have to go to my storage for that.... Okay, see you tomorrow... Bye.", I heard her say.

Then she hung up, but obviously still hadn't noticed that I was there. She was so engrossed in her work.

I sat Reese down on the floor and then cleared my throat. Immediately her head spun in my direction. This beautiful smile spread across Steffi's face.

"Roman!" she squeaked.

Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at me and jumped to her feet. With a leap, she jumped into my arms, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

"Hey, my darling. Did you miss me?" I asked softly as she was still clinging to me.

"Oh so much. I can't even describe how much." she breathed into my ear.

Then she pulled back and looked deep into my eyes for a brief moment. Without hesitation, she pressed her full, pink lips to mine. This kiss was all I needed to feel her love.

"I missed you too, baby girl." I said a few minutes later while still holding her tightly in my arms.

"Guess what? Your birth gift has finally been delivered!" said Steffi with excitement.

"Well, that's great! Shall we try it out right now?" I asked my eyebrows wiggling.

Stefanie had given me a hot tub for my birthday. And to say that she was angry when it could not be delivered on the agreed date was the understatement of the century. With every week that the delivery was delayed, she got angrier. I kept reassuring her that it was no big deal, but Steffi was disappointed that it wasn't there on time for my birthday.

"I'd love to. But first I need your opinion on one more thing for the wedding, babe." she replied, detaching herself from me and then pulling me down to the floor with her.

"Which of these flower arrangements and decorations do you like best?" she asked, showing me a bunch of photos of probably different things in baby blue and lilac. But it all looked pretty much the same to me.

"Baby girl, why don't you pick what you like best? You're the expert and I honestly have no idea about this stuff." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"But it's your wedding too and I want your opinion." she said.

"Hmmm... okay, which one do you like?" I wanted to know as I looked more closely at the pictures.

"Nice try, Mr. Reigns. I want to hear which ones you like." she laughed.

Stefanie knew full well I was trying to find out which were her favorites, but of course she didn't make it that easy.

"Alright. I like this one. The candles are like the ones I used to propose." I said when I saw one particular picture.

"Really? That's great, because that was my thought too." she beamed and gave me a peck.

"God, you're so cute when you're excited," I replied, pulling her to me.

"Oh stop it. I'm blushing." she mumbled against my chest.

"I'm allowed to because I love you, Steffi. So much." I replied as I placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you too, you gorgeous man." she said and then lifted her head again to kiss me.

"And now, what do you think about us putting my gift to good use?" I wanted to know.

"I think very highly of that. Lead the way, babe." she replied as I pulled her to her feet with me.

I held her close to my side and then we headed to the hot tub to spend a few undisturbed hours as a couple.

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