Beautiful Doom

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"Please tell me you are as miserable as I am

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"Please tell me you are as miserable as I am." Meredith's voice comes over the phone, "We are potty training, and I am wearing an apron."

Solace laughs, "Jackson made me breakfast in bed, and I have my first scheduled surgery today. So, no misery here."

"I'm happy as can be." Cristina says next, "My coat doubles as a sleeping bag."

Three way calls have been the normal lately, seeing as the girls no longer all work together. But their still close, still each others safety nets.

"Here you go, Zo." They hear Meredith say.

"Hi, Zozo."

"Now don't forget to tell mommy if you have to go pee. Okay?" Meredith is walking around her kitchen.

Solace is in her bathroom, brushing through her hair and pulling it up into a ponytail, "I really need to invest in better hair ties."

"It's all about the layers, girls." Cristina walks down the hallway, putting a hat on. They hear someone greet her good morning, Cristina greeting her back.

"Who is that?"

Solace can practically see the eye roll as Cristina responds, "Just me being neighborly. I'm neighborly now."

Solace closes her eyes as a wave of dizziness hits her, "Ugh."

"Did you just pee on me? I think she just peed on me."

"Tell her she needs to get her act together or she'll never be on the supreme court." Cristina says as Solace tries to will the nausea thats coming up, "She's gotta buck up."

"Excuse me?" Meredith replies.

"Buck up. All right. It's a Minnesota thing. We don't wallow in our self-pity. We're tough. We're friendly. We're— My car s buried under a mountain of snow."

Meredith laughs, "Buck up."

Solace pukes into her toilet, groaning as she sits on the floor.

"Did you just puke?" Meredith questions.

"Yes." Solace mumbles, wondering where this sudden sickness came from.

"Buck up." Cristina and Meredith say at the same time.

"I hate you."


"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in surgery right now?" Jackson questions as he walks into the attending's lounge, seeing Solace filling out charts at the table.

Solace huffs, "I should be. But I threw up this morning."

Jackson walks over to her, putting his hand to her forehead, "You don't feel like our running a fever."

"I'm not." Solace swats his hand away, "But I got really dizzy and then threw up, and it's probably nothing, but I couldn't be in surgery 2 hours after throwing up. That's not being a very good doctor."

Lighthouse (Jackson Avery)Where stories live. Discover now