His POV #6

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"So I would like to give you class an activity."

Currently in the last period, which is our major subject Architectural Design 9. Honestly, I didn't think they will give us more things to do because we are now doing a thesis proposal and there's progressive checking of our papers and consultation of design every week. This is unexpected, I thought they would like us to focus on the thesis more than anything.

Well, I just have to do it quickly.

"This will be a group activity and I will be the one to group each one of you."

Mentally face-palmed upon hearing that. I prefer working by myself because first of all, I won't have to worry about my groupmates' remarks about my work. Second, there will be no issue regarding communication and cooperation, I'm sure that this is always the problem when it comes to groupings. Third, I don't have to worry about submission problems because in a group there's always one person who is doing their work last minute. Lastly, since I'm entitled 'Genius' my classmates would treat me differently like I'm not a normal person. It's either they will rely a lot on me or they will not give me any work at all.

It's not like I've never been in a group before. Technically, I know all of these because I've been in one, it will be surprising if I'm not. This is my fifth year after all. I admit there are good groups as well but most of the time it's just the worst, especially if I'm the only one doing most of the work. It just sucks because I have to report them but I wouldn't resort to that if only they cooperated in the first place.

Yeah, not my fault.

"This won't be the usual groupings, by the way." Our professor added.

"How come, sir?" Asked one of my classmates who I don't know. I'm just playing with my pen right now, not paying attention. I'll accept what they will give me.

"Well, let me announce the groupings first."

He began calling names for each group. Usually, it's in alphabetical order but hearing the surnames that have been called looks like it's not. I think it's a group of five this time but since there are 32 of us in the class the last two groups might have six members.

But then after forming six groups my name was never been called which made me take glance at our professor.

Does this mean I'm going solo?

"Who wasn't called?" With that, I raised my hand and I'm not alone.

Aya is also raising her hand.

Our professor smiled. "Well then, you got yourselves a group."

What the fuck?

Aya then turned around searching for her groupmate until her gaze landed on me who was the only one other than her with hand raised. She looks shocked knowing that it's just me and her. The room is also filled with murmurs now.

Who wouldn't actually?

"I'm sure all of you are confused right now, so let me explain. If you guys are not aware, all professors that handled this class and this course subject since the first year never grouped Mr. Klins and Ms. Shamine. Why? Obviously, because they're the top one and top two in the overall ranking."

She's the freaking top two and I didn't even know?

In all honesty, I never pay attention too much to the ranking. I'm only checking it to know if I'm maintaining my rank or not. I didn't stand in front of the board to scan the names of other students listed there. This is indeed a surprise.

"So that's why I wanted to change that by doing this kind of grouping."

"Sir that's unfair."

"I agree!"

"Me too!"

And many more complaints from the crowd.


Our professor waited until my classmates stopped shouting their complaints.

"That's the same reasoning your previous professors have before. That is unfair to put them in the same group because they are on a different levels. But honestly, this time it wasn't because they are a group of two while all of you are in a group of five. There will be no special treatment here. All groups will have the same load of work. Group 1 to group 6 has the advantage especially in numbers compared to group 7 who will have to double their effort. Don't complain like you are at a disadvantage here because you're not."

Couldn't agree more.

That is one serious talk or rather speech from our professor. I don't even know why they're complaining considering this unusual setup. We are the ones that are on the rough side here.

"Now that's all cleared up let me tell you, guys, about what you will be doing in this activity. It's simple, you just have to use your imagination. If you are in a world wherein vampires, mages, elves, witches, and other mythical creatures exist what would be the structures, houses, and buildings that that world will have? Provide floor plans and other architectural drawings, freehand and fully rendered, which can be done digitally or manually. You can take one particular city here in the Philippines as your location and alter it or just make your own. I would like to see the site development plan of the whole fictional city that you all are about to make. Most importantly, I would like to see in your plan how will normal human beings in this alternative world would be safe living in such a dangerous place. The submission of this activity is on Prelim Examination which means you still have a month to work on this one, class. Well then, that would be all for today. I'll see you all next week. Class dismissed."

Fictional world, huh? Sounds really interesting and unique. This will be exciting. Unconsciously, I gazed upon the front row as I felt like someone is looking at me. And there goes Aya who instantly waved at me when our eyes met before she formed her hand into a fist and then slightly pumped it into the air.

"Let's do our best." I couldn't hear her but I'm sure that's what she said from the way her lips moved. Me, just nod at her. But deep inside I would like to say...

"That's the only right way to do it, partner."

God bless~ 💕

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