Her POV #3

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"I'm heading out now, Mom, Dad. I'll be back on Monday night." I kissed them on the cheek. They are sitting on the couch having a coffee.

"Take care Kei, send my regards to Rhianne and her parents," Mom said.

"Yeah, will do."

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you there?" Dad asked.

I gave them a thumbs up. "No need, Dad. I can just commute, no worries."

"Alright. Well then, we'll see you on Monday, Kei."

"See you on Monday, parents!" They both scoffed and I just giggled before taking off.

Upon reaching the village gate, I walked to the bus station there was already a bus waiting for a few more passengers so I quickly get inside.

Nice timing!

Today is Saturday, already 9:30 in the morning. Rhianne's house is not that far, I guess it will just take me an hour to get there. Originally, we are living in the same village but they moved when we graduated senior high. They are now in the exclusive village an hour away from Q University that's why I'll stay there for two nights.

Besides, I missed Rhianne so much.

When we were still in high school I usually hang out in Rhianne's house or vice versa. We would just mess around, talk about random things or watch movies. Rhianne is blessed with talents, she's good at almost everything when it comes to music and art. She can literally make a band with just herself as the only member. Due to my frequent visit sometimes she would teach me how to play different instruments but in the end, I just come to like playing drums.

I could just hit drums when I'm frustrated and it won't revolt.

Rhianne and I are both into arts since we were kids. But when I come to know architecture in high school I was fascinated by it and its technicalities. I got curious about the process of planning, designing, and constructing a building. All my life I've been seeing houses, buildings, and structures but I never knew how it was built and what's behind the finished product, the origin, concept, and inspiration. The desire of knowing all of that took over me and here I am now, about to graduate.

At first, I was hoping for Rhianne to take up Architecture too but she's just so in love with arts, although architecture is art too, it just doesn't feel the same for her. She wants the freedom to express herself using brush and paint, that's her passion that I respect. Rhianne is not the type who talks a lot because she's not good at expressing herself, she struggles to communicate with others but she's trying. With arts she doesn't need to use words, she can just draw images. Being one of the few people Rhianne can open up with is a privilege.

It's a blessing.

I got off the bus just right in front of the village where Rhianne's currently resides. But I'm planning on stopping by the mall nearby first to get her parents a present. Maybe a doughnut or something.

Also, drop by the bookstore.

Upon entering the mall, I was greeted by a few Christmas ornaments hanging on the ceiling of the mall. It's already September and Filipinos are usually decorating their houses around this time, there is even 100 days countdown to Christmas. It is still pretty hot these days but not as much compared to summer, which is the worst.

I'm always looking forward to Christmas since I was a kid because it was fun receiving gifts and that didn't change until my teenage years. But when I become a college student I'm anticipating Christmas so much because it means one month break from a lot of architectural plates and stress. Although I'm enjoying it, I also have my limit and I need time for myself too, away from work. Now before I can be free at Christmas I need to nail my Capstone title proposal defense first in November.

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