Her POV #10

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"Congratulations students for completing your degree. Thank you for choosing and trusting Q University for the past years, it has been meaningful to all of us, the faculty, and the board members. We look forward to your achievements in the future, graduates. Give yourselves a round of applause for surviving various obstacles and tough trials. All of you deserve to be here and receive your diplomas. Have a meaningful journey, graduates. Congratulations once again and God bless your path to success!"

All of us took off our hats and throw them in the air while jumping, clapping, and cheering. Some of them are hugging and crying together with their parents and family. I am also having mixed emotions, I just graduated. I finally have my diploma which I worked hard on for five years. I did it.

A strong arm landed on my shoulders followed by a gentle kiss on my temple.

"Congratulations, Kei. We're so proud of what you achieved." My father said with a proud smile on his lips.

My mother hugged me tightly. "Congratulations my Magna Cum Laude baby. I'm so happy for you, Kei. You did it with flying colors! I love you so much!"

I blinked trying to suppress my tears but I failed miserably. I hugged both my parents and cried in their embrace.

"Thank you so much, Mom and Dad. I won't be able to do this without your full support. I'm so grateful for having both of you by my side and also, of course, my brother in heaven. Thank you for your guidance. I love you both so so much!"

All of my struggles flashed before my eyes. I still can't believe I made it. It feels like a dream even if it's already happening in front of me and I'm currently standing in the middle of the crowd with my parents. Around me are several students sharing the same unexplainable feeling but I'm sure that all of us are delighted for reaching the finish line of being a student. We are now ready to take on the world.

"What a crybaby, geez." When I heard that voice I let go of my parents, who are now laughing.

"What a way to ruin the moment, Rhianne." She grinned at me before hugging me.

"Congratulations, Aya. You deserve this." She said while gently tapping my back.

"Congrats to you as well, Rhianne. You graduated despite being the lazy one among us, really commendable."

Rhianne breaks the hug, looking so smug before shrugging. "Well, I'm just that good. Fine Arts are just a four-year course but I took it for five years, I'm that great."

"More like, you're that carefree. Geez, I'm surprised you graduated."

"Oi, that's foul."

I shrugged. "Anyway, where's Uncle and Auntie?"

"They need to attend a business meeting so they couldn't stay for too long," Rhianne said, unbothered. I'm sure that she's already so used to it by now. Her parents are well-known in the business world, I'm just glad that they can still make time for Rhianne despite their busy schedule, I know Rhianne appreciates it as well.

"Why don't you join us for dinner, Rhianne?" My father asked.

"That's right, sweetie. You know, you're already like a daughter to us." Mom added.

Rhianne smiled. "Sure, Uncle, Auntie. I can never refuse your offer of free food." I snickered at her response while my parents let out a chuckle.

"Then, can we join as well?" Out of nowhere, Kriscia appeared dragging the unwilling Zeira behind her. "My parents ditched me for a business meeting as well. Probably the same meeting as Rhianne's parents." Their parents are business partners, both well-known in the business world. I'm glad my parent's business is just lowkey yet successful.

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