His POV #10

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I'm mad.

"Aya can you help us with this?"

"Please Aya, we can't seem to fully understand this part."

"Yeah sure, no problem at all." Her voice, it's been a while since I last hear it close to me.

It sounds so distant now.

A month has passed since the day we went out to 'celebrate' in the mall. That meaningful day ended with her saying that the time we spent together working on our project had been fun and that she enjoy being in the same group with a genius.

Of course, that's sarcastic.

I can still remember clearly what she told me before we part ways.

"Thank you, Rin for putting up with my scheme like this celebrating and rewarding ourselves thingy. I know that you're not the type of person to do such things as this but you still did it for me and I appreciate that so much. But don't worry, I won't interfere with your affairs any longer and since we're done with our project together I won't bother you anymore. Thank you again, Rin. I'll see you at university. Peace!"

And as if it was planned, before I can even utter a word her father came to pick her up so I couldn't do anything but see them off.

There are so many things that I want to tell her, things that I want her to know. I was expecting that maybe even once she will approach me this past month but it never happened. Although she would still greet me and smile at me whenever we cross paths, I never take that opportunity to talk to her.

What can I do? She's always surrounded by people.

Whenever I try to approach her suddenly someone will appear and ask for her help. Every fucking time. For once I would see her alone but in just a snap she'll be surrounded. It's frustrating that each of my advances results in nothing.

Just what the hell is wrong with these people? They're hogging Aya!

Barging into their conversation will be disrespectful of me. Besides, I know Aya is more than willing to help those who need it. She never sees it as a nuisance to her because she's always happy to help for as long as she can. It may sound absurd but that's just how she was built. As much as I want to talk to her I have to wait until it's already time.

That's what I've been doing this whole month. I waited and waited and waited but I never had the chance I wanted.

Now, I'm almost at my limit.

Every time I hear other people talking with Aya casually and asking for her assistance, I wish I can do the same thing. I envy them and at the same time, I feel irritated. Envy because they can approach her with ease. Irritated because it's because of them that I can't talk to Aya. But more than anything I hate myself because I always back down the moment I see her by herself. For some reason, staring at her from a distance makes me forget my reason for approaching her. Whatever it is that she's doing, studying, reading novels, napping, or anything, it's fascinating to see. Just simply watching her...makes me so relaxed.

Currently, we are in our last class for today but it's free time, meaning we can do what we want, study, mess around, or go home it's up to us. Surprisingly, I don't have my laptop and notebook in front of me. It's all in my bag, untouched since this morning. All that I do is stare at the back of the person in front, waiting for my chance. I couldn't dare blink in fear that I'll miss my chance.

I'm waiting for our classmates to be gone so that I can be alone with her. That's the only way that I can talk to her in peace.

"Thank you, Aya! Now we understand how to do this thing."

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