His POV #7

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"Aya can you help us with this?"

"Aya! We need your assistance!"

"Aya what should we do about this?"

"Aya how to..."

"Aya this one..."

"Aya where..."


I'm incredibly irritated right now. We are supposed to be doing the activity yet these people keep coming. Just what the fuck? Can't they see Aya's busy? Do they have no delicacy and common freaking sense? I'm literally in front of Aya, and it's obvious that we are working yet they're still disturbing her and asking her about so many things. Is she their mom?

I'm here with her so back off!

If only I could say that I would. I massaged my temple. This is stressing me out more than our activity.

"I'm really sorry about that, Rin," Aya said with pleading eyes and hands clasped together. She makes it look like she did something really bad and that she has to apologize for this sincerely when in reality she did nothing wrong. It's those people's fault for not reading the mood.

She's cute though.

What the heck am I thinking? Damn, this must be stress kicking in.

"Don't worry about it. It's not even your fault."

She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I thought you were mad since we only have a week and a half to finish this activity. Yet, we kept being bothered."

It's been almost three weeks since that unusual grouping happened and since that day the two of us have been working together. We usually work with it in our free time and we only meet up here at the university. We maximize our vacant time by doing our activity. I can truly say that she's top two in the overall ranking because first, she's working efficiently for a reason that she can finish the work in a short period yet it's high quality and not missing any details.

Second, she's not afraid on voicing her opinions and suggestions. Usually, when I'm in a group my groupmates would just agree to whatever I say they didn't even question it. So it's refreshing being with someone who doesn't agree quickly and checking my work so we can come up with a better solution.

Third, she's disciplined by that I mean she has never been late for our meetings, she's always the first one to arrive actually. She never comes unprepared, always bringing her complete tools for drawing since she prefers manual unlike me who's into digital. That is also why our work will be a mixture of manual and digital drawings. We divided the work by considering our strengths.

Fourth, some of our ideas contradict but she doesn't back down that easily. She won't stop talking unless she clearly states her point. Not just that, but she wouldn't even let me talk during her speech. She doesn't like being interrupted. I did once and she glared at me like she was saying 'shut up' so after that I never once tried it again.

Lastly, she's so freaking helpful. Even if I'm not asking she would clean up my mess like crumpled paper from doodling and sketching, it's not just a few pieces of paper but a lot. Knowing me, I wouldn't realize what's happening around me when I'm too focused on my work. That's why I'm always surprised that when I take a look at the table there's no trash in sight. Aya is so helpful that our classmates and other students even in a different classes always come to her to ask for help regarding their lessons or assignments. She's not even complaining.

I learned a lot from her and I got to know her in these past few weeks. I appreciate that she treats me normally unlike the others. At first, I thought it would be awkward for both of us, but that doesn't happen. She makes the atmosphere comfortable for both of us. When I thought she couldn't talk to me properly she proved me wrong. I mean...

She confessed to me...

Not long ago. With all honesty though, she never brought it up. But I'm hundred percent sure now that it's not a dream. The only thing that is confusing here is the fact that she can act normal to me like she doesn't have any special feelings for me other than being an activity partner.

Why did she even confess in the first place?

"Seems like many people are asking for your help today." Without taking my eyes away from my laptop, I said.

"Ah yeah. Most of it is about their organization and club even if I'm not part of it all." She chuckled while still immense with her drawing.

"Are you not part of any organization here?"

"Nope. I just like to help them because it's kind of fun learning about different things and how they handle their org."

"Obviously they can't handle it well that's why they're asking for an outsider's help."

She laughed. "Well, I couldn't disagree with that 'cause you have a point."

"Of course, I'm a genius after all." I'm so comfortable with her now that I can talk like this. A huge improvement.

"Aye, aye Mr. Genius." I can't help but grin at her response. She said that sarcastically.

"Aya!" I automatically stopped typing when I heard that. Not because the voice sounds familiar but because it's a man's voice.

"Oh, Mizu. What's up?" Aya looked up at the man who is now standing beside our table. For some reason, I'm even more irritated than I was before. Those who asked for Aya's help before are mostly girls or one or two guys in a group of girls. This is the first time a man approached her by himself directly.

Who the fuck is this guy?

"Can you come with me for a second?" That made my eyebrows furrow. Is this guy blind?

"Huh? But I'm doing something important right now. Can't that wait?"

"No, so just come with me. It'll be quick I promise! I just need your opinion."

"Eh? Later okay? I'll just finish this up."

"No, no. It can't wait any longer! Let's go!" Then he quickly grabbed Aya's hand from the table which I can see since I'm pretending to use my freaking laptop.

"Mizu, wait!"

What the fuck is this guy doing?!

Without thinking, I stood up, reached out for Aya's other hand, pulled her next to me, and glared at the guy. "Are you blind? Can't you see that she's with me? And we are working together?" We are currently in the study area so a lot of students are here and we caught the attention of a few of them.

The guy look shocked and keep alternating his stares with me and Aya. It's like he couldn't believe were together. "Oh." Is the only thing he uttered upon gaining his composure.

"Ah geez." Aya moved from my side to in between me and the guy but I refused to let go of her hand. There's no way I would do that because this guy will snatch her away. "Rin, calm down and I'm sorry about my cousin. He's just really bossy and demanding sometimes."

From my deadly glare at the guy, I shifted my gaze to Aya.

Did I hear it right? Cousin?

"Ah, man. Sorry I didn't know, dude. I thought Aya was just sharing the table with you." He said while rubbing the back of his head with an apologetic smile.

Damn! They are cousins!

God bless~ 💕

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