Her POV #8

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"Merry Christmas!" I shouted the moment the clock struck 12:00 am. My family and relatives began greeting one another as well. Good thing I shouted my greeting.

One for all!

Every year our relatives would go to our house to celebrate Christmas that includes Mizu's family. It became a tradition. They would stay the night here which is not a problem because we have quite several guest rooms, the third floor of our home consists of guest rooms, and my library. So yeah, we can accommodate everyone.

"Here's the wine, Dad," I said while handing the wine to Dad with my uncles. They are now having a drinking session, and I have no idea what time it will end.

Most likely morning, no doubt.

"Thank you, Kei."

"You're already graduating right, Kei?" Mizu's father asked.

"Yes, Uncle. At last, after so many years, I can finally be free." I answered in a playful tone which earned a chuckle from the group.

"That's great."

"Kei for sure will have a Latin honor." Dad proudly said. Even if I don't want it, they started showering me with praise, it almost felt like forever. So, before my lips get tired of smiling I excused myself.

I decided to stay on the balcony with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. It's a cold Christmas this year and thankfully, no raining as well. Everyone is having a blast in the living area, and even if I'm getting along well with my relatives I always prefer staying in one place whenever there's a family gathering.

I was busy admiring the night sky covered with stars and a bright moon when my phone rang.

It was Rin.

So, I picked it up.


"Merry Christmas, Rin!" I greeted but I was surprised when I was answered by multiple voices.

"Merry Christmas, sister-in-law!" That was Ren, no doubt.

"Merry Christmas, daughter-in-law!" And that was probably Rin's parents.

"Come on! You all beat me to it, I'm supposed to be the first one who greets her." Rin complained with a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"Chill, son. We just wanted to talk with the girl you like." I heard his Dad say in the background.

"M-Merry Christmas, everyone."

"Merry Christmas, Aya."

"Hello, Aya dear. I'm Rin's mother, would it be fine if we video call you? You know, we wanted to see who's behind the name 'Aya'."

"Yeah. Rin was always over the moon whenever we ask about you."

"That's right, sis. Bro is completely head over heels about you."

I felt my face heating up. I'm having mixed feelings about this. I'm happy but at the same time, shy and nervous. I don't know if I can face his family right now.

But I don't wanna decline them, as well.

"S-Sure, no problem," I said, stuttering a little bit while my heart is thumping so fast I can already hear it.

"Are you sure about this, Aya?" Rin asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I am."

"If you say so."

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