Her POV #7

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"Did you go easy this time, Rin?"

"Nah, I never did, Aya."

We are currently standing in front of the bulletin board since the ranking has been updated. I was expecting that it would be the same as the previous years, with Rin being at the very top. But it surprised me to see that instead of his name, my name is number one.

And I have no idea how that happened.

"I can't believe this. Now you can't boast about being a genius 'cause I'm currently above you." I said in a teasing manner with a smirk plastered on my lips.

Rin smirked as well. "It doesn't matter because, at the very end, I would still be number one, Ms. Prodigy."

He was not wrong about that. Since the first year he is above all of us, this is the only time he went second which I couldn't believe still. I know that by the time we graduated, he will reclaim his throne, he is the rightful owner anyway.

"Well, there's no doubt about that but for now I will enjoy this rare and unexpected turn of events. Won't your parents get disappointed, by the way? I'm just thinking that they might have high expectations of you."

We started walking back to our room. Today is the last day of the first semester and tomorrow is the start of our Christmas break until the first week of January. During the break we have to enroll for the second semester, it will be our final semester and we'll be graduating if there's no conflict.

Honestly, we are not doing anything anymore, I guess all professors just give this day as our bonus so we can go home anytime and start our vacation early. Rhianne did exactly that, I'm guessing that she's still asleep at this time. Rin and I decided to go here just to see the latest ranking.

Also to spend time together, of course.

"My parents have no issue regarding my grades or ranking, so there's nothing to worry about. They are pretty supportive of whatever I do as long as it will not be harmful to me. They always say that Ren and my happiness are their priority, nothing comes first to that. That's why this ranking result wouldn't affect them at all and as do I."

I nodded. "You have cool parents."

Rin chuckled. "You have cool parents as well, Aya."

That made me smile. "So what does it feel like being second for the first time?"

"To be honest, this might sound weird but, for some reason instead of being sad about it, I'm happy. All my life I never experienced coming in second, I'm always first in everything that I do and that cost me my social life. It feels like everyone around me is aloof or rather having a hard time approaching me. I experienced being treated differently by people, especially in school. Of course, I'm happy achieving a lot of things by doing what I love but at the same time, it makes me feel sad that in the eyes of others, I'm not normal or at an equal standing as them. That resulted in me not relying on anyone but myself. As time goes by, I got used to being alone while still doing what I do best, studying and learning. I never see it as a handicap because obviously, it's my strength and I just continue fortifying it for my benefit. I was convinced that no one will ever get my throne because no one ever dared to in the past. But the thought of not being at the top always comes to mind. I wonder what it feels like, will it make me feel angry? Sad? Happy? Disappointed? Or will it make me feel normal?"

Rin paused to open the door for me as we reached our room. We both sat on our seats. He looked at me and smile before continuing.

"I didn't expect that I will meet the person who will make me inferior for the first time, who will make me feel what being a second is like. Not only that, I was defeated in what I do best, the subject which my life circulated since I was a kid up until the present. And as I said earlier, it's weird because the only thing that I'm feeling right now is happiness. At the same time, I'm grateful that even before I graduated I tasted defeat and being normal like any other person. But now, I'm more motivated to get my crown back. So, you better get ready, Aya." Rin's smirk is now oozing confidence.

The Genius & The ProdigyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin