Chapter 6: Peeta's POV:

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The interview drags on for a life time. I wince inwardly each time he asks me a question about Katniss. He spits each question at me like she is venom and he can't stand to even talk about her. At one point I almost erupt, and I go to stand up. But then I remember that my arms are locked into place, unmoving, so I sit back down. I stare into the camera for as much time as possible hoping that she is watching me. I have to look away when I tell them to put down their weapons, to stop fighting. Because I don't believe a word a of it. I don't want her to think I'm on their side, but that I'm being forced to say it. That after this interview, they will probably beat me again. Or force me to do something else. I don't want her to feel sorry for me, and I try to look my strongest on the stage. But when the camera is stopped, I lose all the energy I have and collapse in the chair. Guards come up to me and unstrap my hands and I rub my wrists. I take the suit off in the prep room and change back into my rags of clothing as they tie my hands behind me once again. Two Guards take me out and guide me back to my cell through the maze of hallways. On the way, we pass Johanna's door and I think I hear crying. I walk closer to the door. "Johanna? Is that you?" I ask. The crying stops, but the guards have noticed my move and are on me instantly. "Get way from there, NOW," a guard yells. The other hits me in the arm with his club and I wince and fall to the ground. "NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I hear Johanna yell from inside her cell. She is ramming her side into the door to try and make it open. "Get up." A guard kicks me in the side and laughs as I try to get up. Johanna's door bangs from her trying to open it and I try to focus on the bangs as I stand up. They push me down the hallway and I stumble and fall. My hands are not there to catch me so I fall on my face. Blood starts to slip out of my nose and onto the cold tile floor. A small puddle starts to form before they drag me up again. Johanna is screaming from her room, which is a little farther away now. She screams and bangs on her door, and I still hear her as they shove me into a new room, just a few down from Johanna's. "PEETA! IM SO SORRY. IM So sorry....I'm so sorry." She has stopped banging on her door and is now crying softly. We are neighbors now, so I hear her cries as clear as day. I try and block her out as I clean up the blood from my nose. It won't stop bleeding. My arm has fresh gashes on it from the guard and they are bleeding as well. I clean it up as best as I can and try to get comfortable on the cold floor, which is impossible. Johanna still cries, but much quieter. I wish there was something I could do to help her feel better. Help ME feel better. I decide to try and talk to her through the wall. "Johanna? Are you ok?" That was a stupid question. I immediately regret saying it. I go to take it back but Johanna beats me to it. "Yeah just peachy. Never been better." She says. I hear her sigh. "I'm sorry." She says. The words hang in the air for a few minutes and suddenly I feel much better. To know someone else is with me. To endure this together. I'm about to go to sleep when I hear Johanna whisper, "I should have never separated us. What was I thinking?" I hear her put her hands over her face and muffle the last couple words, but I understood. I understand all to well what she is saying to me. The words that haunt my mind every waking minute. Every nightmare since we've gotten out of the arena. I understand what she is saying, and I think she knows too. Because I hear her sigh softly in the darkness. I rustle around a little finally comfortable and slowly doze into my world of nightmares.

Broken Pieces: Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें