Chapter 19: Katniss's POV:

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My body trembles as I walk down the hallway towards Peeta's room. The nightmares were terrible last night and I woke up screaming and thrashing worse than normal. I need to execute stage 1 of my plan, to see Peeta and make sure he's alright. Finnick and I both agreed this was necessary, but this part of the plan was mainly for my benefit, even though we need him well to be apart of it. I walk up to his door and take in a shaky breath as my hand reaches for the handle. I'm about to push down on it when I hear a noise from inside. I lean my head up against the door and hear banging noises and crying. I burst through the door to find Peeta strapped to his bed going insane. He struggles to try and get out of the wristbands on both of his arms. His eyes are a dark black, not the dreamy blue that I usually see. He twists and thrashes as he screams threats. "YOU!" He sees me and goes even crazier. "You did this to me! You are a mutt...YOU ARE A STINKING MUTT!" He screams. My whole body shakes. First the nightmares and now this. Tears run down my face. "Peeta, no I'm...I'm..." I can't speak. I'm too shaken up and can't talk. This was a bad idea, I should have never thought that he would get better. I shouldn't have come here. I back away towards the door. "Peeta, I'm sorry." I plead. "If you can hear me, please come back to me. I know you probably don't want to come back to a world where everything's messed up, Including me, but please. I need you." I stay there for a second praying that he will come back, or that this whole life was only a dream. Each second that goes by of him screaming makes me feel more and more broken. I already am broken, but I didn't realize how much until now. My whole body shakes as I fall to my knees crying on the tile floors. I hear Peeta stop screaming and thrashing. "What's wrong with you?" He asked with a sneer to his voice that made me cringe. "You loved loved me..." I cry into my hands. I can feel Peeta watching me with hard eyes trying to figure out what's going on. "You? Why would I love you?" He asks with a sneer again. I stand up and walk towards the door. "I honestly don't know." I say. My tears begin stinging my eyes more than ever, and I run out of his room.

Broken Pieces: Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora