Chapter 14: Peeta's POV:

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She's here. She's actually hear. The door creaks and closes silently and that's all I hear. Now is my chance. She slowly walks around so I am facing her. She looks genuinely happy to see me. No, not happy, overjoyed. She must be happy to see me die in her arms. She's smiling through her tears and is about to say my name. I jump at her before she can finish and aim for her throat with my hands. Her head smashes into the wall and she tries to scream, but I won't let her. Doctors are running towards me and trying to get me off her, but no one can stop me. Not after all she has done. I push her to the ground and squeeze my hands as hard as I can. She is on the verge of passing out so I squeeze harder. She looks up at me with bloodshot eyes and whispers something. "What happened to always?" She barely gets it out before I see her eyes close and her breathing slow. I am pulled away from her before I realize what I have done. "Will you stay with me?" The thoughts from that night come flooding in. "Always." Im now struggling against the doctors, but for a whole new purpose. "KATNISS!" I cry. Tears start falling down my face. "KATNISS! THE CAPITOL...IM SORRY.... I'm so sorry." What have I done? She is probably dead because of me now, never to wake up. I'll never see her seam eyes again, or her smile. I struggle against the doctors but it's no use. One of them throws me down on the ground. "He's sick. Hijacked. He needs medical attention immediately." I hear one of them say into their ear pieces. I push and shove still trying to get back to her, but I'm pinned down. I see them put her in a gurney and wheel her out of the room. When she passes me, she looks lifeless. Her eyes are closed but bruised and her throat is at an odd angle. I fight through a couple doctors right as she's going past me and stretch my hand out to try and caress her face, or something, just to let her know I'm here. Right as I touch her face though, a tray from one of the tables slams into my head, knocking me out cold.

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