Chapter 40: Katniss's POV:

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I never want to leave his embrace, I know that now. I stay in his arms knowing I won't be the first to pull away. He won't either. We sit in each others arms for what only seems like seconds, but must be longer. The doors to the room swing open and five soldiers with guns come crashing through saying, "Freeze! Stay where you are!" Our time is up. We are forced to separate and kneel with our hands up. I had completely lost track of time and forgot Haymich's warning not to take too long. Peeta looks over at me reassuringly and smiles, saying everything will be ok. This makes me feel a little better because he's here. With me, at last. I put my hands up and look the guards in the eye. "I'm Katniss Everdeen, sir. I really don't think that you will want to hurt me or you will have a major problem on your hands." I nod my head towards Peeta. "And this is Peeta Mellark, and yes he was dead. He just resurrected a few moments ago so I would take him to a doctor if I were you." I say with as much sarcasm as possible. The guards eyes get big and they look at both of us with shock. "Oh! apologies Ms. Everdeen. Um....we will just escort you out and can go on your way." Says one of the guards nervously. Peeta looks up at me with one of his eyebrows up and laughs. "Ok Ms. Sassyjay, I think you're a little more important around here than I thought!" The guards begin guiding us out of the room and I playfully punch him on the shoulder. "You know I am, you have missed a lot!" I say back. I immediately regret saying it because Peeta's face falls and he won't look at me. "I know." He says softly. "Every day I tried to get back to you.....until I lost it. I'm so sorry....." He takes a deep breath. "Peeta, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like...." I start but he puts his finger up to my lips and gives me a sad smile. "I know you didn't." He says. "It's ok." I lean into him and give him a hug. "I'm so sorry.....I...I love you." I say. His face snaps up to look at me and his eyes are all I need to see. "Really?" He sounds like a little kid who just got told he was going to Disney world. His smile is so beautiful and his sea blue eyes are filled with happiness. "Of course. I realize now. I realize everything....." He pulls me into a huge embrace and then a kiss. Butterflies dance in my stomach and that's when I knew. I knew he was the one I was meant to be with for all of eternity. When he pulls away, he is smiling so big it makes even me smile. "This is by far the best day of my entire life." He whispers. With that, we both walk out of the morgue, happy for the first time in ages.

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