Chapter 20: Peeta's POV:

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When she leaves, I'm still confused, but my mind starts to clear up slightly. I stop struggling and take a deep breath. She wasn't here to kill me, I tell myself, she was here to help me. The door to my room opens again and I'm about to apologize to Katniss when I realize it's not her. It's a doctor who has a hat on and walks up to me. "You are being temporarily moved to a new room." he says. "What? Why? By whose orders?" The man hesitates but then says "President Coin." He walks up to my bed and unstraps my hands then leads me down the hall. We walk for what seems like a life time as we twist and turn down several hallways that you could get lost in. We finally end up at a heavily guarded room with a steel door and a high tech security system. The doctor has to do a finger print scan and a voice recognition program before the door opens. I walk in slowly, still confused with my encounter with Katniss. Was she there to kill me or help me? Do I really love her? I'm so preoccupied with these thoughts that I don't even realize that the door has slammed shut behind me. I whirl around and see the doctor looking inside, smiling, and then walks away. That was strange. I turn to look around my new room and notice that it is a lot different from my old one. It is bigger and more roomy, but not nearly as homey as my other room. The entire room is made of steel and there is no furniture but a small hospital bed in the corner. The bed is about as high tech as my bed at the bakery. There is nothing special about the bed except the hand restraints on either side, which makes me slightly nervous. There is a small slot next to the door which I'm guessing is for meals, which means I guess I can't eat in the cafeteria anymore. Why would the doctor take me here? This room reminds me too much of my Capitol torturing room and I begin to freak out. I start pacing and biting what's left of my finger nails. I sit down and start rocking back and forth on my heels while my hands start running frantically through my hair. One of my hands hits an old wound from the Capitol and I wince in pain. It was from when the guards used lethal tools to beat me. The memory makes me feel even crazier. I start breathing heavy and my eyes are wide as I see someone slide a small drink into the food slot. I run over to it and grab the purple liquid and freeze at the sight of it. It looks similar to something I saw in the capital, but my memory is scattered and I can't remember what it was. I drink the liquid since my throat feels like sandpaper and I feel the coolness go down my throat and into my body. My head pounds and I throw the glass on the floor and scream in frustration. "Let me out!" I yell, "Why do I have to be in this terrible cell instead of my old room?!" I scream. I walk around frantically and accidentally step on a shard of glass from the cup and wince at the pain. But the pain makes me realize something for a moment, that this room is exactly what I said it is, a cell. A prison cell. I am being released from District 13 in under two weeks, so I am no longer a citizen. I am a prisoner until they release me. An insane prisoner. The thought of this makes my knees buckle beneath me and I fall onto the floor. I feel insane, not anything normal runs through my veins as I start screaming threats and throwing the glass at the door. My head pounds and I feel broken and unhuman inside. For some reason my mind floats to Katniss. For some reason I feel she was the one who did this to me. But I also feel that she is the one who will get me out.

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