Chapter 28: Katniss's POV:

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I can't see a thing as I cry my eyes out thinking about how Haymich lay right outside that door ripped to pieces. Now I've lost Haymich and most likely Peeta, because there is no one in this room with me. He's gone or been moved as I feared. Suddenly a small light comes on overhead and I see a person standing in front of me. It's not Peeta I know that much. He walks towards me and kneels by me and then I realize who it is. Gale. I want to scream at him and shout nasty things in his face for not helping Peeta, but before I can talk, he speaks in a sad voice. "Katniss, I'm so sorry. He lied to me." He whispers. He doesn't make any move towards me, but I can see the pain on his face. He clears his throat and continues speaking. "He told me that if I could capture Peeta and bring him to him, he would surrender in the war and would completely disappear." He chokes out. I want to tell him how stupid he was for believing him, but I stay silent. As if he was reading my mind, he says, "I know it was stupid, but I was desperate. I couldn't bare to see anymore death. I also know..." He stops and looks towards the ground. "How mad you would be at me for giving Peeta to them. That you would probably hate me for it. I thought long and hard for weeks and thought it would be better to have one death than thousands, even if it meant I'd never see you again." I stare at him. Here he goes again, he thought of everyone else while I was just thinking of my few family and friends. He looks up and gives a week smile and goes to caress my cheek, but I flinch away. I can see the hurt in his eyes, but he pulls away. "I'm sorry Katniss." He whispers. I look at him and speak for the first time. "I forgive you." I say. He looks at me with hope in his eyes, but I'm not finished. "But we could never be together." I finish. He stands up and helps me up after him. "I understand." He says. I lean in to him and kiss him quickly on the lips and he looks at me in surprise. "What was that for?" He asks. I smile and say, "For making the right decision in the end." Gale leads me over to a door that I didn't see earlier with a passcode lock on it. "He should be in there. Snow will realize where you are at any minute though, so I would hurry." He puts in the passcode and the door opens. I lean up and kiss him again before he walks away. I smile and walk in, not regretting a thing.

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