Chapter 7: Peeta's POV:

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Each day drags on for a lifetime. I've lost track of how long I've been here. A week? A month? I don't know. Each day they beat me and try to get information about the rebellion that I know nothing about. I've lost weight and my skin is a shade of purple from all the bruises. I drag myself through another interview, but I don't remember much. Each night in my cell I lay there and cry myself to sleep because I just can't take this anymore. Any of it. So then at one point, when the guards didn't come and beat me at all for two days, I was beginning to think that they were done with me, that I could go home to my family. To Katniss. My heart beat speeds up and my hopes started to get up. When President Snow walks in a few moments later, i'm almost smiling. Thinking he is here to release me, maybe. I struggle to stand up and limp towards him. "Where do you think you're going? You honestly didn't think I was here to release you did you?" He laughs and my heart sinks and I fall to my knees in disappointment. I should have never gotten my hopes up. It was stupid of me to think that he would free me, even though it was just for a second. I look up at him angrily and ask, "Then what are you here for?" He looks at me for a moment and then pulls something out of his pocket. It looks like a medicine container filled with little purple pills. "I'm here to give you medicine to help with your pain." "You're lying!" I shout. "You beat me, and bruise me, and have taken EVERYTHING from me. Why would you help me after all of this?" My eyes begin to tear up but I don't let him see me. I will not let him see me cry. He opens the container and pours one out in his palm. "These pills help you forget" he says simply. I freeze and stare at him. Forget? All the pain I've went through, the games, my parents, my leg, everything? The thought is tempting. VERY tempting and I almost put my hand out and take the pill but then I stop. What about all the good things that have happened to me? Katniss and i's kiss on the beach, me falling for her every time I see her, our final days at the tribute center together, "Always" I whisper to myself. I can't forget these memories. I WONT forget. "No. You can take your stupid pills." I say to him. "That's a shame." He says. "I actually thought you were going to make the right choice on this one." He presses the communicator on his ear. "In three days you will need to have the bomber jets ready." He says. He steps closer to me. "We had a deal Mr. Mellark. You do what I say or people get hurt. Simple as that." I jump up and begin plead for forgiveness. "No! I'm sorry please don't do this. Ill take the pills or anything just don't hurt them, please." I beg. Tears escape down my cheek. This can't be happening. This can't be happening...."I'm afraid the deed is done. You will still take the pills, but the Jets will bomb 13 in three days." Nonononono. I blew it. Katniss is going to be killed because of me. "NO!" I go to jump on him but two guards block me immediately. They grab me and I struggle against them. "LEAVE.THEM. ALONE!" I scream. He can beat me, torture me, or even kill me. But he leaves my family and Katniss out of this. I scream and kick against the guards grip. One of them punches me in the face and I become dizzy and fall. They shove one of the pills into my throat and force me to swallow it. I suddenly feel the most enormous pain I have ever felt in my life and cry out. The pain is to much. I lay on the floor and the last thing I see before I pass out is Snow looking down at me.

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