Chapter 34: Peeta's POV:

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My eyes slowly open and take in the world around me. I'm in a hospital, probably District 13s, and I'm laying on a white bed. But the funny thing is, I feel GREAT. My whole body feels rejuvenated and I jump out of bed. I need to find Katniss to make sure she is ok. After all that happened, I need to see her. I feel as light as a feather as I reach for the door handle, but my hand slides right through it. I'm so startled that I take a step back and reach for the handle again, but the same thing happens. I look back over to where I was laying, but I'm still LAYING there like I never left. My face is pale and my body is lifeless when I see the heart machine go to a straight line and start beeping. "" I say in a panic. Dozens of doctors come rushing in all at the same time. I hear bits and pieces of their conversation. "This isn't good." One says. "He was supposed to make it." One doctor yells for someone to grab the metal things they place on your chest to send a small shock through your body. They push the things on my chest and my body on the bed lurches. I have to turn away because I know they won't be able to bring me back. I'm already dead, I'm pretty sure. "Please! Someone do something!" I yell. No one even acknowledges that I've said anything, or that I'm even here for that matter. This isn't good. I can't be dead. I tell myself over and over again that this is just a dream and that I'll wake up soon. But my confidence fades as I see the doctors stop trying, pack up their stuff, and sadly walk out. "We did the best we could." Says one. I'm on the verge of crying, so I scream. "THIS ISNT REAL!!!!!" I cover my ears and collapse to the ground, blocking everything out. Now I know how Katniss felt in the arena when the jabberjays were all around her, but no one else could hear her. Oh no.....Katniss. I stand up immediately. I need to find her and try to get through to her. My eyes burn with tears because I might never get to talk, or anything, to her ever again. I start walking around the hospital, looking for her room. I finally find it and walk through the door, and a small shudder goes through me from the awkwardness of walking through stuff. I look around and find Katniss asleep on a same white bed and smile because for the first time in forever, she looks peaceful. I walk over to her and go to move a piece of hair out of her face, but of course my hand goes right through it. Taking a deep breath and trying to hold myself together, I kneel next to her bed. "Katniss, I....I know you probably can't hear me, but people are going to tell you things. But I swear....I swear on my old life with you that I am trying my hardest to get back to you. It isn't over, I promise." With that, I lean down and kiss her. Sealing my promise that I will be back with her soon and walk out of the room.

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