Chapter 8| Comforting

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After that fateful night, Dugu Yan acted more like her age. It was quite refreshing to see such an aloof kid become more bright, or so Baiyu saw it.

In reality, she was only like that if Baiyu or Dugu Bo were with her, but she did the opposite when it comes to strangers. She was like a poisonous snake in front of them, while like an obedient snake in front of her grandpa and maternal sister. That confused everyone who saw her action, but Baiyu remained oblivious to the looks.

Baiyu already started her full life after smoothly obtaining her soul master title. In the morning, she would cook meals for the two snakes and later go to pick herbs. She also attended her lessons regularly which happen every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

She used the remaining time to study more about herbs, cultivating, and perfecting Shen's family skills. She also caused some mischief in the Nuoding Academy, but mostly was visiting Tang San whenever she could. They spent the time hanging in near the lake or even the library.

It was a fun time, but Xiao Wu would come unannounced and always challenge Baiyu for a duel, but Baiyu would always teleport away before then.

Baiyu would be an audience member when Tang San and Xiao Wu were fighting. Tang San had the upper hand, but sometimes, he was reversely surpassed by Xiao Wu. Although both were children, to the two who refused to give in, exchanging points like this was hard to avoid.

Baiyu has quite a reputation in the academy, she was called the Phantom Butterfly. The title suited her more than expected, maybe because she would occasionally disappear from the academy, and saw her the next time with Tang San. However, another reason was that she was the only one who can fight Xiao Wu head-on after Tang San.

The mischief Baiyu sometimes caused trouble for the headmaster, but could only sigh with a smile, and order to keep everything private. The special treatment the girl received shocked the teachers but they didn't pry too much.

A year passed, she turned seven, and they celebrated her birthday at the Dugu castle. Qinghe and Baiyu were the ones who prepared the dishes. Dugu Bo and Mingluo were fighting with each other again. Dugu Yan and Qing Qiu were just having a staring contest, the intensity was so heavy that even the others were sweating.

A few days after


"Baiyu! I got accepted into the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!" Dugu Yan came in holding the acceptance letter, she had a delighted expression.

Baiyu, who in her lab tested combining poison, smiled and chuckled at the 14 years old girl jumping in happiness. The sight was still refreshing to see every day.

"You deserve it. You've been working hard just to enter the prestigious academy of the Heaven Dou Empire." Dugu Yan nodded with a proud look before she frowned and suddenly clasped onto Baiyu's shoulder with a serious face.

"Baiyu, do you don't want to go to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? Grandpa can recommend you to the academy." The seriousness in Dugu Yan's voice was clear as day, she wanted Baiyu to attend the academy with her.

Baiyu's eyes looked distant before a small smile graced her lips.

"Yan-Jie, I want to go to another school. So, you can't decide for me to go somewhere I don't want to."

Dugu Yan heaved a sigh and plopped down on the sofa, seemingly exhausted just from talking with Baiyu.

"Do whatever you want, just send me a message from time to time." Dugu Yan sat down, crossed her legs, and started to meditate.

Baiyu looked at her material sister before continuing to test the poison.

'I need to create that weapon.'

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