Chapter 2

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I'd like to say that this will be pretty much always in Alex's P.O.V. But when it's not I'll let you know!!!😇😇

What song is this?
If happy ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this, all those fairytales are full of shit, one more fucking love song I'll be sick...

I jog up to the school and get to my locker, put my board in it and grab my books. Walking in the door to art I take my painting and continue it, it's a bunch of dots that form and elephant, trees, a little bit of water, sky and ground. I love painting, I wouldn't say I'm great at it but I'm pretty creative. When the bell rings I go to my creative writing class. Yeah I also got a creative vibe. My first 3 classes are quite fun: Art, Creative writing and then Gym. Yeah I know it's rare for a girl to like gym but I love it! I play soccer, I'm pretty good and I LOVE running.

Getting in the class I sit in my assigned seat be side my best friend Jack. Jack Johnson has been my best friends since- who knows how long? He know anything and everything about me. He can look at me and know exactly what's going on.

"Hey girly!" He says giving me a side hug.

"Heyy," I say putting my head on his shoulder, I'm still happy and awake, but that tumble shook me up a bit. Or it was the guy?

"Good morning class! Today we have got a new student! This is Nash Grier and I hope every makes him feel very welcome!" Mrs. O'neil says. She's the sweetest teacher, she is always nice and patient with everyone. No one is an ass to her because she just kills them with kindness.

Having my eyes closed I didn't know what the Noobie looks like but when I open them my eyes I see the prettiest blue eyes ever! What a minute? Looking at the rest of him, I realized it's the guy I ran into earlier. And realizing something else his just staring at me. A-W-K-W-A-R-D!

She points him to a table in the back and he goes over. Starting the class Mrs. O'neil goes off on what we need to do this year to make our writing more unique, more us. But all I want to do is stare at Nash. I look back at him and he tapping the table looking around the room, then stops and looks at the teacher then looks at me and smirks. Turing quickly around I feel like a stalker. Ugh but his look is so mysterious I don't see anyone who looks like that. I want to know if anything is behind it. Turning around once more he's still looking at me. He raises an eyebrow, so I mimic him then turn around for good.

When the bell rings I get to my locker and switch my books. When I get pushed and shoved into my locker and all of a sudden a pair of lips are on mine! Shoving the guy back and already brought my fist up to punch him, I see who kissed me. "What the hell I told you not to do that!" I breath.

"Sorry babe, I saw you and I'm like 'Damn that thing is mine!' So I want for it." Nick says slowly pushing me towards the lockers. When my back is against it he puts his hands on either sides of my head. "I'm coming now."

"As long as you don't do that little episode again got it?" I say putting my hands on his chest.

"Uh-huh." He murmurs. Coming in fast he kisses me hard. And honestly I kinda feel forced. I shouldn't feel that with my boyfriend. He continues and shoves his tongue in my mouth then he puts his hands on my hips and quickly makes his way down grabbing and squeezes my ass. So I push him away fake a smile grab my bag and leave.

Getting to the gym I changed into my gym clothes: Black t-shirt and black soccer shorts. Putting my hair in a ponytail I walk out of the change room I sit beside my girl Kylie. She has long brown hair, a tan skin tone, brown eyes and an skinny body. While I have more of an athletes body.

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